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Course content

Control of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Higher education institution:
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
ECTS credits:
15(E) + 30(L)
Issuing teachers:

Professor Joško Deur, PhD

Assistant Professor Branimir Škugor, PhD

Assistant Professor Mihael Cipek, PhD

Course contractors:

Assistant Professor Branimir Škugor, PhD (E, L)

Assistant Professor Mihael Cipek, PhD (E, L)

Professor Joško Deur, PhD (L)

Course description:
Course objectives: Enrolment requirements and required entry competences for the course: Student responsibilities: Grading and evaluation of student work over the course of instruction and at a final exam: Methods of monitoring quality that ensure acquisition of exit competences: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to (learning outcomes): Lectures Exercises
Course languages:


Mandatory literature:

1. Nastavni materijali s predavanja

2. Nastavni materijali s auditornih vježbi i simulacijski modeli s računalnih vježbi

Recommended literature:

3. Guzzella, L. and Sciaretta, A., "Vehicle Propulsion Systems", 2nd ed., Springer, Berlin, 2007.

4. Pistoia, G., "Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Power Sources, Models, Sustainability, Infrastructure and the Market", Elsevier 2010.

5. Fuhs, A., "Hybrid Vehicles and the Future of Personal Transportation", Taylor & Francis, 2009.

6. Husain, I., "Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals", Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2005.

7. Hu, H., Baseley, S., Smaling, R.M., "Advanced Hybrid Powertrains For Commercial Vehicles", SAE International, 2012.

8. Miller, J. M., "Comparative Assessment of Hybrid Vehicle Power Split Transmission". U.S. Army Vetronics Institute 4th Annual VI Workshop Series, U.S. Army TARDEC, Warren, MI 48307-5000, 2005, PPT presentation.

Course in study programme:
Code Name of study Level of study Semester Required/Elective
30 Marine Engineering graduate 2 elective
32 Materials Engineering graduate 2 elective
33 Engineering Modelling and Computer Simulations graduate 2 elective
34 Mechatronics and Robotics graduate 2 elective
36 Production Engineering graduate 2 elective
38 Industrial Engineering and Management graduate 2 elective
251 Design of Medical Structures graduate 2 elective
253 Design and Product Development graduate 2 elective
254 Mechanisms and Robots graduate 2 elective
255 IC Engines and Motor Vehicles graduate 2 elective
271 Energy and Power Engineering graduate 2 elective
272 Thermotechnics and Process Technology graduate 2 elective
32 Materials Engineering graduate 4 elective
34 Mechatronics and Robotics graduate 4 elective
253 Design and Product Development graduate 4 elective

* the course is not taught in that semester


  • E - Exercises
  • L - Lectures