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Course content


Higher education institution:
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
ECTS credits:
12(E) + 3(E) + 30(L)
Issuing teachers:

Professor Joško Deur, PhD

Assistant Professor Mario Hrgetić, PhD

Assistant Professor Branimir Škugor, PhD

Course contractors:

Assistant Professor Branimir Škugor, PhD (E, L)

Assistant Professor Mario Hrgetić, PhD (E, L)

Professor Joško Deur, PhD (L)

Course description:
Course objectives: Enrolment requirements and required entry competences for the course: Student responsibilities: Grading and evaluation of student work over the course of instruction and at a final exam: Methods of monitoring quality that ensure acquisition of exit competences: Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to (learning outcomes): Lectures Exercises
Course languages:


Mandatory literature:

1. Nastavni materijali s predavanja

2. Nastavni materijali s auditornih i simulacijski modeli s računalnih vježbi

Recommended literature:

3. Guzzella, L. and Sciaretta, A., "Vehicle Propulsion Systems", 2nd ed., Springer, Berlin, 2007.

4. R. Garcia-Valle and J. A. Pecas Lopes, "Electric Vehicle Integration into Modern Power Networks", Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-0134-6, 2013.

5. Leal Filho, W., Kotter, R. (Eds.), "E-Mobility in Europe: Trends and Good Practice", 1st ed., Springer International, ISBN 978-3-319-13194-8, 2015.

6. Bignami, D.F., Colorni Vitale, A., Lue, A., Nocerino, R., Rossi, M., Savaresi, S.M. (Eds.), "Electric Vehicle Sharing Services for Smarter Cities", 1st ed., Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-61964-4, 2017.

Course in study programme:
Code Name of study Level of study Semester Required/Elective
30 Marine Engineering graduate 2 elective *
32 Materials Engineering graduate 2 elective *
33 Engineering Modelling and Computer Simulations graduate 2 elective *
34 Mechatronics and Robotics graduate 2 elective *
36 Production Engineering graduate 2 elective *
38 Industrial Engineering and Management graduate 2 elective *
251 Design of Medical Structures graduate 2 elective *
253 Design and Product Development graduate 2 elective *
254 Mechanisms and Robots graduate 2 elective *
255 IC Engines and Motor Vehicles graduate 2 elective *
271 Energy and Power Engineering graduate 2 elective *
272 Thermotechnics and Process Technology graduate 2 elective *
32 Materials Engineering graduate 4 elective *
34 Mechatronics and Robotics graduate 4 elective *
253 Design and Product Development graduate 4 elective *

* the course is not taught in that semester


  • E - Exercises
  • L - Lectures