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Course content

Acting - Graduation Work (independent work with mentor) I

Higher education institution:
Arts Academy
ECTS credits:
50(E) + 100(E) + 60(L)
Issuing teachers:

red. prof. art. Goran Golovko, akad. red.

red. prof. art. Bruna Bebić, akad. gl.

Course contractors:

red. prof. art. Bruna Bebić, akad. gl. (L)

Ana Marija Veselčić, (E)

Davor Pavić, mag. art. (E)

Karolina Šuša, prof. (E)

red. prof. art. Goran Golovko, akad. red. (L)

doc. art. Petra Kovačić Botić (E)

Monika Vuco Carev (E)

Jure Radnić (E)

Mandatory literature:

1. Aristotel: O PJESNIČKOM UMIJEĆU, Z. Dukat, Zagreb, 1983. Artaud, Antonin: KAZALIŠTE I NJEGOV DVOJNIK, Hrvatski centar ITI - UNESCO, Zagreb, 2000. D'Amico, S: POVIJEST DRAMSKOG TEATRA, Nakladni zavod MH, Zagreb, 1972. Diderot, D.: PARADOKS O GLUMCU, Zora, Zagreb, 1950. Gavella, dr. Branko: GLUMAC I KAZALIŠTE, Novi Sad, 1967. Craig, Edvard Gordon: O UMJETNOSTI KAZALIŠTA, Prolog, Zagreb, 1980. Stanislavski, K.S.: ETIKA, "L" Slobodna izdanja, Beograd Stanislavski, K.S.: MOJ ŽIVOT U UMJETNOSTI, Prolog, Zagreb, 1988.

Learning outcomes:

5. Analyse the psychology of the role.

6. Analyse roles in work through character styles, polarities and defence mechanisms.

7. Use one's internal dialogue in the creation of a positive stimulus within oneself.

8. Become aware of one's own character styles.

9. Anticipate the interaction of one's own psychological field and the psychological field of the role.

10. Recognise the historical and social context of drama in practical work.

11. Recognise the theoretical in the practical and vice versa.

12. Understand the importance of defence mechanisms in the interaction between the individual and the environment.


  • E - Exercises
  • L - Lectures