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Acting - Style and Genre I

Higher education institution:
Arts Academy
ECTS credits:
50(E) + 40(E) + 60(L)
Issuing teachers:

red. prof. art. Goran Golovko, akad. red.

Course contractors:

Ana Marija Veselčić, (E)

red. prof. art. Goran Golovko, akad. red. (L)

Nenad Srdelić (E)

Mandatory literature:

1. Denis, En: ARTIKULIRANO TIJELO, Fakultet dramskih umetnosti, Beograd, 1997. Barba, E i Savarese.: TAJNA UMETNOST GLUMCA, Fakultet dramskih umetnosti, Beograd, 1996. Stanislavski, K.S.: SUSTAV, ili RAD GLUMCA NA SEBI I, Prolog, Zagreb, 1989. Gavella, dr Branko: GLUMAC I KAZALIŠTE, Novi Sad, 1967. Stanislavski, K.S.: ETIKA, "L" Slobodna izdanja, Beograd Stanislavski, K.S.: MOJ ŽIVOT U UMJETNOSTI, Prolog, Zagreb, 1988. Stanislavski, K.S.: RAD GLUMCA NA SEBI II, Prolog, Zagreb, 1991.

Learning outcomes:

7. Investigate narrative styles and stylisations.

8. Express oneself through improvisation.

9. Use the body in acting expression, and in adopted creative techniques and knowledge.

10. Create choreographies (cabaret or musical and contemporary dance).

11. Apply reflective and critical methods in the formation of personal assumptions about literary concepts, poetics, literary value and the influence of ideologies and hegemony on the meaning and reading of texts.

Enrollment prerequisites:

Acting - Building a Character II (položen)


  • E - Exercises
  • L - Lectures