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Course content

Elements of Music Forms

Higher education institution:
Arts Academy
ECTS credits:
Issuing teachers:

Associate Professor Vito Balić, PhD

Course contractors:

Associate Professor Vito Balić, PhD (L)

Mandatory literature:

Vito Balić (2022): Skripta iz Elemenata glazbenih oblika: predavanja

Anđelko Klobučar (2011): Glazbeni oblici

Recommended literature:

William E. Caplin (2013): Analyzing Classical Form. An Approach for the Classroom

Hugo Leichtentritt (1951): Musical Form

Vlastimir Peričić, Dušan Skovran (1986): Nauka o muzičkim oblicima

Lovro Županović (1995): Tvorba glazbenog djela. Objašnjenje osnovnih zakonitosti na primjerima iz svjetovne i (hrvatske) duhovne glazbe

Arnold Schönberg (1967): Fundamentals of Musical Composition

Josip Andreis (1968): Vječni Orfej: uvod u muzičku umjetnost

Fred Lerdahl, Ray Jackendoff (1983): A Generative Theory of Tonal Music

Clemens Kühn (2001): Formenlehre der Musik

Learning outcomes:

1. Analyse and interpret different components of a musical work such as musical form, harmonic and polyphonic component.

2. Analyse and interpret different components of a musical work such as musical form, composition technique, harmonic and polyphonic component, orchestration.

3. Interpret the goals and tasks of different forms of music teaching.

4. Create methodological topics, theoretical and practical, for the classes Music Culture, Music Art and Solfeggio.

5. Form one's own mature artistic concepts.

6. Recognise and characterise auditory musical examples of folk music from different parts of Croatia.

7. Adapt a music score for different types of vocal and instrumental ensembles.

8. Synthetise acquired technical, formal and sound-shaping knowledge and skills and apply them in composing works for smaller symphony orchestra, chamber brass orchestra combining them with solo instruments or voice.

9. Aurally recognise musical artwork with regard to the historical period of origin and stylistic characteristics.

10. Use music notation software.

11. Collaborate in the field of music creation in art institutions, media, libraries and music publications.

12. Play music scores of choral and orchestral compositions on the piano.

Course in study programme:
Code Name of study Level of study Semester Required/Elective
7 Music Theory undergraduate 1 required
10 Composition undergraduate 1 required
6 Music Pedagogy undergraduate 5 required


  • L - Lectures