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Course content

Piano A X

Higher education institution:
Arts Academy
ECTS credits:
Course contractors:

Senior Lecturer Ivana Franceschi, PhD (L)

Associate Professor Vesna Podrug Kossjanenko (L)

Mladen Grgić (L)

Nives Tošić Kusanović (L)

Associate Professor Katja Repušić (L)

Ana Stanković (L)

Valentina Štrbac-Čičerić (L)

Senior Lecturer Kosovka Čudina (L)

Course description:
Playing more technically demanding etudes. Mastering more difficult polyphonic forms (preludes and fugues). Stylistically correct interpretation of the sonata (all movements). Acquiring skills within the scope of professional needs (reading from a sheet, playing scores of different styles and authors).
Mandatory literature:

M. Moszkowski, C. Czerny, J. B. Cramer, J. C. Neupert, H. Berens, J. S. Bach, J. Haydn, W.A. Mozart, L. van Beethoven, F.Mendelssohn, R.Schumann, F.Chopin, P.I. Čajkovski, S.Prokofjev, D. Šostakovič, C. Debussy, D. Pejačević, B. Papandopulo, I.Josipović: Etide različitih autora , troglasne invencije, Preludiji i fuge, Francuske i Engleske suite(izbor stavaka), sonate (može i ronda ili varijacije), skladbe različitih autora i, skladbe hrvatskih autora

M. Moszkowski, C. Czerny, J. B. Cramer, J. C. Neupert, H. Berens, J. S. Bach, J. Haydn, W.A. Mozart, L. van Beethoven, F.Mendelssohn, R.Schumann, F.Chopin, P.I. Čajkovski, S.Prokofjev, D. Šostakovič, C. Debussy, D. Pejačević, B. Papandopulo, I.Josipović: Etide različitih autora , troglasne invencije, Preludiji i fuge, Francuske i Engleske suite(izbor stavaka), sonate (može i ronda ili varijacije), skladbe različitih autora i, skladbe hrvatskih autora

Learning outcomes:

1. Harmonise and improvise given melodic templates on the piano.

2. Perform piano accompaniment of choral or moderately demanding instrumental and singing compositions.

3. Compose a smaller opera.

4. Compose larger one-movement compositions for a large symphony orchestra.

5. Compose larger multi-composition compositions for a symphony orchestra with combinations with soloists or choir, and with the use of added orchestral instruments or electronics.

6. Compose larger multi-movement compositions for a symphony orchestra.

7. Collaborate in the field of music creation in art institutions, media, libraries and music publications.

8. Play music scores of choral and orchestral compositions on the piano.

Enrollment prerequisites:

Piano A IX (concluded)

Completion prerequisites:

Piano A IX (passed)

Course in study programme:
Code Name of study Level of study Semester Required/Elective
22 Music Culture graduate 2 elective
26 Composition graduate 2 required


  • L - Lectures