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Course content

Master's Thesis II

Higher education institution:
Arts Academy
ECTS credits:
Course contractors:

prof. dr. sc. Ivana Tomić-Ferić (L)

prof. dr. sc. Davorka Radica (L)

izv. prof. art. Blaženko Juračić (L)

izv. prof. art. Ivan Božičević (L)

Mirko Jankov, mag. paed. (L)

prof. dr. sc. Mirjana Siriščević (L)

izv. prof. dr. sc. Vito Balić (L)

Course description:
Acquiring knowledge related to the written elaboration of the selected covered topic. Mastering the skill of writing musical-analytical or musical-methodical results. Mastering the scientific elaboration of a music-theoretical or music-pedagogical topic. Acquiring knowledge related to text preparation for printing and oral presentation of work.
Learning outcomes:

1. - Research, process and analyze information from different sources;

2. - Synthesize acquired knowledge and skills in the musical-theoretical or musical-methodical area.

3. - Apply synthesized knowledge and skills to the elaboration of the main written part of the work;

4. Explain in writing and outline the research results;

5. - Present the finished work orally;

6. Critically argue the problem of the chosen area;

7. - Generate new ideas derived from existing action results

8. - The student will be prepared for study at the corresponding doctoral study.

9. Create and carry out the entire teaching activities for the named subjects.

10. Explain and organize the results of research in writing.

11. Apply basic methods of music analysis and scholarly work in practice and in writing academic papers.

12. Independently create teaching units for the subjects Music Culture (in primary school), Music Art (in secondary school) and Solfeggio (in primary music school).

Enrollment prerequisites:

Master's Thesis I (concluded)

Course in study programme:
Code Name of study Level of study Semester Required/Elective
22 Glazbena kultura graduate 2 required


  • L - Lectures