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Course content

Methodology of teaching music I

Higher education institution:
Arts Academy
ECTS credits:
15(S) + 15(L)
Issuing teachers:

dr. sc. Ivana Franceschi, v. pred.

Course contractors:

dr. sc. Ivana Franceschi, v. pred. (L)

Anamarija Tadin Pjanić, mag. art. (S, L)

Course description:
Acquisition of methodical knowledge and skills in musical areas intended for the teaching of Solfeggio (music school), Musical culture (primary general education school) and Musical arts (gymnasium). The areas of general music education are listening to and getting to know music, expressing yourself through and with music (active musicianship) and music in context (musicological content), while the basic areas of Solfeggio lessons are the areas of rhythm and intonation.
Mandatory literature:

Rojko, Pavel, (2005): Metodika glazbene nastave - praksa II. dio: Slušanje glazbe

Rojko, Pavel, (2012): Metodika nastave glazbe - teorijsko-tematski aspekti

za nakladnika Blaženka Divjak (2019): Glazbena kultura i Glazbena umjetnost kurikulum nastavnih predmeta

razni: Slušni primjeri iz udžbenika i šire

z (2006): Nastavni plan i program za osnovnu glazbenu školu

Learning outcomes:

1. Understand and apply the basic principles of methodical work with music in the mentioned schools. Prepare and practically implement individual parts of the teaching process (Musical forms, musical genres, singing voices, traditional music, music-historical topics in general music education). Get to know musical literature intended for school age and interpret it.

2. Prepare and practically implement individual parts of the teaching process (Musical forms, musical genres, singing voices, traditional music, music-historical topics in general music education). Get to know musical literature intended for school age and interpret it.

3. Get to know musical literature intended for school age and interpret it.

Enrollment prerequisites:

Methodology of teaching music I (concluded)

Completion prerequisites:

Methodology of teaching music I (passed)

Course in study programme:
Code Name of study Level of study Semester Required/Elective
6 Glazbena pedagogija undergraduate 8 required
7 Glazbena teorija undergraduate 8 required
10 Kompozicija undergraduate 8 elective


  • S - Seminar
  • L - Lectures