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Course content

Basics of Composing I

Higher education institution:
Arts Academy
ECTS credits:
Issuing teachers:

izv. prof. art. Ivan Božičević

Course contractors:

izv. prof. art. Ivan Božičević (L)

Course description:
Students practically adopt the basic procedures of building a musical form. They develop a sense for the musical and logical development of musical thought within the historical and aesthetic-stylistic boundaries, while contributing individual preferences and creativity. They become familiar with the smallest constructive elements of a piece of music (submotive, motive) and gain awareness of the unity of opposites within each piece of music in the melodic, rhythmic and harmonic point of view. Content according to the class schedule: 1) Introduction - motive, phrase, examples from literature. Making different motifs with regard to tempo, measure and character. 2) Two-measure phrases, working with the phrase according to the given principles. 3) Variation and repetition of phrases, examples from literature. 4) Working with student examples. 5) Small sentence, construction, examples from literature. 6) Creating a small sentence, reviewing and working with student examples. 7) Big sentence, construction, examples from literature. 8) Working with student examples. 9) Irregularities in sentence construction. 10) Small period, production, examples from literature. 11) Great period, production, examples from literature. 12) Working with student examples 13) Small bi-partite form, examples from literature. 14) Composing a small bi-partite piano piece. 15) Final review of student works.
Mandatory literature:

D. Skovran, V. Peričić (1986): Nauka o muzičkim oblicima

Županović, L. (1995): Tvorba glazbenog djela

Recommended literature:

Schoenberg, Arnold (1967): Fundamentals of Musical Composition

Learning outcomes:

1. Independent creation of examples of the smallest musical units, logically developing and connecting them into larger musical forms.

2. Noticing the specifics in the construction of musical elements, creating examples based on given templates. Analyzing formal relationships on the basis of created examples.

3. Predict the flow of musical discourse based on given stylistic exercises and choose the most adequate stylistic solutions.

4. Develop the musical discourse by linking it into larger formal relationships.

5. Analyze and interpret different components of a musical work such as musical form, compositional technique, harmony, polyphony, orchestration.

Course in study programme:
Code Name of study Level of study Semester Required/Elective
10 Kompozicija undergraduate 1 required
7 Glazbena teorija undergraduate 7 required


  • L - Lectures