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Course content

Eartraining A III

Higher education institution:
Arts Academy
ECTS credits:
Issuing teachers:

prof. dr. sc. Davorka Radica

Course contractors:

prof. dr. sc. Davorka Radica (L)

Course description:
The course refers to learning the skill of auditory reconstruction of unison and bipartite with modulations at longer intervals. Mastering the skill of auditory reconstruction of homophonic three-part examples. Mastering the reading of rhythmic parlatto examples in complex measures.
Mandatory literature:

Beata i Natko Devčić (1979): Intervali

Beata i Natko Devčić (1981): Ritam

Davorka Radica (2003): Solfeggio, primjeri za pjevanje

Learning outcomes:

1. Recognize the type of modulation.

2. Auditory recognition and recording of one-part and bipartite modulation examples at long intervals;

3. Auditory recognition and recording of homophonic three-part examples with an emancipated single melodic line.

4. Reading rhythmic parlatto examples in more complex measures.

5. Hold solfeggio classes in primary music school.

6. Sing, prima vista, a demanding tonal and atonal example.

7. Aurally reconstruct and record tonal musical examples of single-, two-, three- and four-voices.

Enrollment prerequisites:

Eartraining A II (passed)

Course in study programme:
Code Name of study Level of study Semester Required/Elective
7 Glazbena teorija undergraduate 3 required


  • L - Lectures