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Course content

Eartraining B V

Higher education institution:
Arts Academy
ECTS credits:
Issuing teachers:

Full Professor Davorka Radica, PhD

Course contractors:

Anamarija Tadin Pjanić (L)

Full Professor Davorka Radica, PhD (L)

Course description:
Mastering the skill of auditory reconstruction and writing more complex tonal examples in one, two, and three-voice examples. Mastering the skill of writing simpler four-part progressions. Acquisition of knowledge and skills related to parlatto rhythm reading. Acquisition of knowledge related to the auditory aspects of the old church modes.
Mandatory literature:

Beata i Natko Devčić (1979): Intervali

Beata i Natko Devčić (1981): Ritam

Davorka Radica (2003): Solfeggio, primjeri za pjevanje

Learning outcomes:

1. Aurally recognize and record tonal musical passages of medium difficulty in one, two and three-voice examples.

2. Aurally recognize and record simpler harmonic progressions with the main degrees of tonality in the quadruple.

3. Apply the acquired auditory knowledge to singing prima vista examples of medium difficulty.

4. Apply the acquired knowledge to determine the auditory aspects of examples from the music literature.

5. Analyse and interpret different components of a musical work such as musical form, harmonic and polyphonic component.

6. Harmonise tonal melodic lines on the piano.

7. Interpret the goals and tasks of different forms of music teaching.

8. Create methodological topics, theoretical and practical, for the classes Music Culture, Music Art and Solfeggio.

9. Sing, prima vista, a demanding tonal example.

10. Recognise and characterise auditory musical examples of folk music from different parts of Croatia.

11. Make music arrangements for a mandolin quintet, mandolin orchestra and tamburitza orchestra.

12. Work as an associate in primary and secondary schools' extracurricular music activities.

13. Work as an associate in conducting choirs and instrumental ensembles.

14. Aurally recognise musical artwork with regard to the historical period of origin and stylistic characteristics.

15. Aurally reconstruct and record tonal musical examples of single-, two-, three- and four-voices.

Enrollment prerequisites:

Eartraining B IV (passed)

Course in study programme:
Code Name of study Level of study Semester Required/Elective
6 Music Pedagogy undergraduate 5 required


  • L - Lectures