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Course content

Independent student project 1

Higher education institution:
Arts Academy
ECTS credits:
Course contractors:

prof. dr. sc. Ivana Tomić-Ferić (S)

prof. dr. sc. Davorka Radica (S)

izv. prof. art. Blaženko Juračić (S)

prof. dr. sc. Mirjana Siriščević (S)

doc. Ivana Kenk Kalebić, prof. (S)

izv. prof. dr. sc. Vito Balić (S)

Course description:
The aim of the course is to acquire the knowledge and skills needed for independent action and the creation of their own, freely selected and designed project, from the initial idea to the realization and presentation of results. Acquisition of knowledge and skills needed to work in a group and which include organizing, planning and coordinating various activities in a given period of time.
Learning outcomes:

1. independently design and execute their own projects

2. Organize and plan project-related activities during the semester

3. Present the obtained results with critical thinking about the course of performance, omissions, obstacles and ways to solve potential problems;

4. Act in a group, participate in group work, take on responsibilities and responsibilities

5. Motivate fellow students to move towards the same goal.

Course in study programme:
Code Name of study Level of study Semester Required/Elective
6 Glazbena pedagogija undergraduate 1 elective
7 Glazbena teorija undergraduate 1 elective
10 Kompozicija undergraduate 1 elective
23 Glazbena teorija graduate 1 elective
26 Kompozicija graduate 1 elective


  • S - Seminar