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University of Zadar

Study programme

Study: Language and Communication in a Multilingual Society, ac. year 2022/2023

Type of study: undergraduate university Type of delivery: full-time Duration in semesters: 6
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
186303 Languages across the world Yes 3.0
238206 Presentation skills Yes 2.0
186301 Understanding communication Yes 3.0
183580 Undestanding language Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Lingistics

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238099 Contemporary Chinese A1.1 Yes 3.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
186310 English writing skills Yes 3.0
186308 Language and globalization Yes 3.0
186305 Language, culture and society Yes 4.0
186306 Managing multilingualism in institutional contexts Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Linguistics

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
212255 Approaching lexicography and terminography Yes 3.0
212254 Digital communication in intercultural contexts Yes 3.0
212256 English writing skills Yes 3.0
212252 Intercultural pragmatics Yes 4.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Linguistics

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238124 Contemporary Chinese A1.2 Yes 3.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198755 Doing qualitative research in linguistics Yes 3.0
211836 Natural language processing Yes 3.0
211834 The digital dimension of text Yes 4.0
211835 Tools for language analysis Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238083 Business English B1.1 Yes 3.0
238084 Business English B1.3 Yes 3.0
238085 Business English B2.1 Yes 3.0
238099 Contemporary Chinese A1.1 Yes 3.0
238097 Czech A1.1 Yes 3.0
238081 English for academic purposes I Yes 2.0
238082 English for academic purposes III Yes 2.0
238091 English for applied ecology in agriculture I Yes 2.0
238095 English for Nursing I Yes 2.0
238096 English for Nursing III Yes 2.0
238092 English for Psychology I Yes 2.0
238093 English for Psychology III Yes 2.0
238094 English for Psychology V Yes 2.0
238090 English for Underwater Technology I Yes 4.0
238098 French A1.1 Yes 3.0
238100 German A1.1 Yes 3.0
238101 German A2.1. Yes 3.0
238105 Italian A1.1 Yes 3.0
238104 Spanish A1.1 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Linguistics

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198754 Current language teaching methods Yes 3.0
198753 Developing individual multilingualism Yes 3.0
212381 Doing qualitative research in linguistics Yes 3.0
198752 Learning a second and third language Yes 4.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198765 Doing quantitative research in linguistics Yes 3.0
212384 Language and globalization Yes 3.0
212382 Language, culture and society Yes 4.0
212383 Managing multilingualism in institutional contexts Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238108 Business English B1.2 Yes 3.0
238109 Business English B1.4 Yes 3.0
238110 Business English B2.2 Yes 3.0
238124 Contemporary Chinese A1.2 Yes 3.0
238122 Czech A1.2 Yes 3.0
238106 English for academic purposes II Yes 2.0
238107 English for academic purposes IV Yes 2.0
238116 English for applied ecology in agriculture II Yes 2.0
238120 English for Nursing II Yes 2.0
238121 English for Nursing IV Yes 2.0
238117 English for Psychology II Yes 2.0
238118 English for Psychology IV Yes 2.0
238119 English for Psychology VI Yes 2.0
238115 English for Underwater Technology II Yes 4.0
238123 French A1.2 Yes 3.0
238125 German A1.2 Yes 3.0
238126 German A2.2 Yes 3.0
247961 History of Rhetoric Yes 3.0
238130 Italian A1.2 Yes 3.0
238129 Spanish A1.2 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Linguistics

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
212387 Approaching lexicography and terminography Yes 3.0
212386 Digital communication in intercultural contexts Yes 3.0
212388 Doing quantitative research in linguistics Yes 3.0
212385 Intercultural pragmatics Yes 4.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
211837 Croatian writing skills Yes 3.0
238211 Natural language processing Yes 3.0
238209 The digital dimension of text Yes 4.0
238210 Tools for language analysis Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238083 Business English B1.1 Yes 3.0
238084 Business English B1.3 Yes 3.0
238085 Business English B2.1 Yes 3.0
238099 Contemporary Chinese A1.1 Yes 3.0
238097 Czech A1.1 Yes 3.0
238081 English for academic purposes I Yes 2.0
238082 English for academic purposes III Yes 2.0
238091 English for applied ecology in agriculture I Yes 2.0
238095 English for Nursing I Yes 2.0
238096 English for Nursing III Yes 2.0
238092 English for Psychology I Yes 2.0
238093 English for Psychology III Yes 2.0
238094 English for Psychology V Yes 2.0
238090 English for Underwater Technology I Yes 4.0
238098 French A1.1 Yes 3.0
238100 German A1.1 Yes 3.0
238101 German A2.1. Yes 3.0
238105 Italian A1.1 Yes 3.0
238104 Spanish A1.1 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Linguistics

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
226208 Croatian writing skills Yes 3.0
226205 Current language teaching methods Yes 3.0
226204 Developing individual multilingualism Yes 3.0
226203 Learning a second and third language Yes 4.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
Mandatory courses are not registered.
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
212852 undefined Yes 5.0
183303 African Francophone novel Yes 2.0
114774 American Animated Film Yes 3.0
212207 Ancient Heritage as the Origin of Urban Identity Yes 4.0
144833 Canon Law Yes 2.0
183833 Cartography and visualization Yes 3.0
198567 Choral Singing VI Yes 2.0
198230 Comedy and Comic Types Yes 5.0
183188 Contemporary American Novel and Globalization Yes 4.0
226546 Croatian Lexicology Yes 3.0
158382 Croatian Lexicology Yes 5.0
226544 Croatian Literature of the 20th Century II (from neomodernism to postmodernism) Yes 3.0
199961 Croatian Literature of the 20th Century II (from neomodernism to postmodernism) Yes 5.0
158839 Croatian Oral Literature for Children Yes 3.0
182770 Croatian phraseology Yes 5.0
244371 Donatello and His Artistic Circle Yes 2.0
226357 E-Learning Yes 3.0
144832 Ecclesiology Yes 3.0
225181 Ecological Psychology Yes 6.0
218425 Educational Work with Children with Behavioral Disorders Yes 3.0
226255 Ethnolinguistic Research Yes 4.0
182442 Etno Music Practicum 2 No 2.0
48215 Evolutionary Psychology Yes 2.0
144849 Exegesis II. Yes 3.0
183910 Geography of natural hazards Yes 2.0
159131 Gothic Genre Yes 3.0
75805 Greek Literature: Fourth Century Yes 2.0
145964 History and Significance of Religions in Medieval Croatian Lands Yes 3.0
145981 History of Hellenism Yes 3.0
238435 History of the Future Yes 3.0
226358 Human Rights: Concept, Development, Global Perspective Yes 3.0
90568 Information Literacy Yes 3.0
93573 Inspection Survey and Vessel Supervision Yes 3.0
212209 Intimate Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans Yes 3.0
114767 Introduction to Film Studies Yes 4.0
48832 Introduction to Latin II Yes 3.0
225399 Introduction to Microbial Biotechnology Yes 6.0
198341 Introduction to Modern Greek II Yes 3.0
225910 Introduction to Religious Pedagogy Yes 2.0
65858 Italian as a foreign language VI Yes 3.0
183906 Maritime geography Yes 2.0
183913 Medical geography Yes 2.0
212854 Medieval and early modern numismatics Yes 4.0
226373 Multimedia in Education Yes 3.0
198229 Narratology Yes 2.0
198232 Narratology Yes 2.0
138019 Organization of Recreation Activities Yes 3.0
183540 Partnership between Family and Educational Institutions Yes 3.0
170363 Pastoral Sacraments Yes 2.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
177965 Postmodernism and Christianity Yes 2.0
238596 Promotional Activities Yes 4.0
183907 Regional geography of Croatia II Yes 2.0
144847 Religious Education of Preschool Children Yes 3.0
85697 Roman Literature: Lyric Poetry and Epigram Yes 2.0
244370 Sanctuaries on the Medieval Pilgrimage Roads Yes 2.0
169591 Shipboard Energy Systems Yes 4.0
226246 Space and landscape Yes 3.0
226712 Special Interest Tourism Yes 5.0
226557 Stylistics Yes 3.0
226545 Stylistics Yes 3.0
181313 The Croatian War of Independence and creation of an independent Republic of Croatia Yes 3.0
212208 The Cuisine of Ancient Rome Yes 3.0
146028 The Pre-Roman Societies of Europe: Etruscans Yes 3.0
226543 The Syntax of the Croatian Language Standard Yes 3.0
226077 Theatre Workshop Yes 2.0
183905 Transport geography Yes 2.0
183904 Urban geography II Yes 2.0
226374 Valorization of Natural Heritage in Tourism Yes 3.0
226266 World geopolitical systems Yes 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238108 Business English B1.2 Yes 3.0
238109 Business English B1.4 Yes 3.0
238110 Business English B2.2 Yes 3.0
238124 Contemporary Chinese A1.2 Yes 3.0
238122 Czech A1.2 Yes 3.0
238106 English for academic purposes II Yes 2.0
238107 English for academic purposes IV Yes 2.0
238116 English for applied ecology in agriculture II Yes 2.0
238120 English for Nursing II Yes 2.0
238121 English for Nursing IV Yes 2.0
238117 English for Psychology II Yes 2.0
238118 English for Psychology IV Yes 2.0
238119 English for Psychology VI Yes 2.0
238115 English for Underwater Technology II Yes 4.0
238123 French A1.2 Yes 3.0
238125 German A1.2 Yes 3.0
238126 German A2.2 Yes 3.0
247961 History of Rhetoric Yes 3.0
238130 Italian A1.2 Yes 3.0
238129 Spanish A1.2 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198330 Chess Yes 2.0
225962 Golf tourism Yes 3.0
198446 Kendo I No 2.0
198329 Kinesiological culture 3 - Kayak Canoeing No 1.0
158117 Kinesiological culture 3 - Swimming No 1.0
158118 Kinesiological culture 4 (badminton) No 1.0
84558 Sports and Health Yes 5.0
198447 Sports management Yes 4.0
211781 Sports management in tourism Yes 4.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238438 Ethnolinguistic Research Yes 4.0
131828 The toponymy of the Eastern Adriatic Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Linguistics

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
211840 Bachelor`s thesis Yes 6.0
211839 Final exam Yes 2.0
211838 Research and fieldwork No 4.0

* Shown data depends on display parameters set by individual higher education institution.