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University of Zadar

Study programme

Study: Primary Education, ac. year 2022/2023

Type of study: integrated undergraduate and graduate university Type of delivery: full-time Duration in semesters: 10
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
158499 English Language 1 Yes 3.0
158494 Introduction to Developmental Psychology Yes 3.0
158493 Introduction to the Study of Pedagogy Yes 3.0
158501 Kinesiological Culture 1 No 1.0
158498 Mathematics 1 Yes 3.0
158495 Natural Sciences Yes 3.0
158500 Overview of World History Yes 3.0
158496 Phonology of Croatian Language Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238083 Business English B1.1 Yes 3.0
238084 Business English B1.3 Yes 3.0
238085 Business English B2.1 Yes 3.0
238099 Contemporary Chinese A1.1 Yes 3.0
238097 Czech A1.1 Yes 3.0
238081 English for academic purposes I Yes 2.0
238082 English for academic purposes III Yes 2.0
238091 English for applied ecology in agriculture I Yes 2.0
238095 English for Nursing I Yes 2.0
238096 English for Nursing III Yes 2.0
238092 English for Psychology I Yes 2.0
238093 English for Psychology III Yes 2.0
238094 English for Psychology V Yes 2.0
238090 English for Underwater Technology I Yes 4.0
238098 French A1.1 Yes 3.0
238100 German A1.1 Yes 3.0
238101 German A2.1. Yes 3.0
238105 Italian A1.1 Yes 3.0
238104 Spanish A1.1 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
143436 Choir Singing I Yes 2.0
226320 Croatian Language as a Language of Academic Communication Yes 3.0
226323 The development of pupils kinantrophological features Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
131826 Introduction to the Croatian Onomastics Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
158506 Art in Historical Context I Yes 2.0
158505 Drawing Yes 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
211780 Aikido No 2.0
198328 Extreme Sports - Skateboarding No 1.0
154128 Kendo I No 2.0
169364 Kinesiological culture 2 - Basketball No 1.0
182965 Kinesiological culture 2 - Vollejball No 1.0
158025 Kinesiology I (gym) No 1.0
182970 Sport Management in Tourism Yes 4.0
169363 Sports Management Yes 4.0
182967 Sports nutrition Yes 4.0
198327 Therapeutic Swimming No 1.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
182668 undefined Yes 6.0
182536 undefined Yes 5.0
182537 undefined Yes 5.0
213674 Academic Writing Yes 3.0
182781 Academic Writing Yes 3.0
93566 Aegean Bronze age Civilisations Yes 5.0
239258 Aesthetics in the Everyday Life of the Ancient Romans Yes 3.0
182754 An Introduction to the Study of Literature Yes 4.0
198277 An Introduction to the Study of Literature Yes 3.0
158174 An Introduction to the Theory of Language Yes 4.0
198274 An Introduction to the Theory of Language Yes 3.0
157210 Ancient Greek and Roman Societies Yes 3.0
48934 Antique Philosophy I Yes 3.0
198278 Children's Literature and Literature for the Young Yes 2.0
143436 Choir Singing I Yes 2.0
158394 Classical Mythology Yes 3.0
131427 Communication Skills of Preschool Teachers Yes 3.0
131426 Computer Literacy Yes 3.0
212532 Corpus approaches to language research learning Yes 2.0
226320 Croatian Language as a Language of Academic Communication Yes 3.0
157257 Croatian Military History in Modern Period Yes 3.0
94494 Dystopia and Language Yes 4.0
94585 French Civilisation Yes 3.0
158065 French Literature Critic Yes 2.0
183875 Fundamentals of geology I Yes 4.0
94268 General Linguistics Yes 3.0
198332 Greek Language I Yes 7.0
145965 Historical Toponymy of Eastern Adriatic Yes 3.0
145962 History of Venice Yes 3.0
157693 Hydrogeography I Yes 2.0
54964 Introduction to Classical Philology Yes 3.0
183263 Introduction to Francophone Literature Yes 2.0
157689 Introduction to geography Yes 3.0
158414 Introduction to Greek I Yes 3.0
57268 Introduction to Latin I Yes 3.0
170657 Introduction to Logic Yes 4.0
198333 Introduction to Modern Greek I Yes 3.0
48933 Introduction to Philosophy Yes 3.0
183484 Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology Yes 4.0
157694 Introduction to scientific research Yes 3.0
131355 Introduction to the Bible Yes 3.0
131349 Introduction to the Mystery of Christ and the History of Salvation Yes 3.0
197974 Introduction to translation Yes 3.0
248640 Introduction to underwater archaeology Yes 6.0
157927 Introduction to Underwater Archaeology Yes 4.0
50069 Italian as a foreign language I Yes 3.0
48995 Italian Culture and Civilization Yes 3.0
239073 Language Exercises I Yes 2.0
238265 Language Exercises I Yes 5.0
198364 Latin Language I Yes 7.0
48935 Logic I Yes 3.0
157691 Mathematical geography Yes 4.0
239259 Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome Yes 3.0
93565 Paleolithic and Mesolithic Yes 5.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
160126 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging Yes 3.0
157404 Science of Religions of the World Yes 2.0
158395 Survey of Greek and Roman civilization Yes 3.0
226323 The development of pupils kinantrophological features Yes 3.0
198275 The Old Slavonic Language Yes 3.0
158161 The Old Slavonic Language Yes 4.0
198282 World Literature I (from Ancient Egypt to the Middle Ages) Yes 2.0
158182 World Literature I (from Ancient Egypt to the Middle Ages) Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
158503 Croatian Oral Literature Yes 2.0
158504 History of the Croatian Standard Language Yes 2.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
158522 English Language 2 Yes 3.0
158524 Geography Yes 3.0
158526 Informatics 1 Yes 3.0
158527 Kinesiological Culture 2 No 1.0
158523 Mathematics 2 Yes 3.0
158520 Psychology of Childhood Yes 3.0
158525 School Pedagogy Yes 3.0
158521 The Morphology of the Croatian Language Standard Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238108 Business English B1.2 Yes 3.0
238109 Business English B1.4 Yes 3.0
238110 Business English B2.2 Yes 3.0
238124 Contemporary Chinese A1.2 Yes 3.0
238122 Czech A1.2 Yes 3.0
238106 English for academic purposes II Yes 2.0
238107 English for academic purposes IV Yes 2.0
238116 English for applied ecology in agriculture II Yes 2.0
238120 English for Nursing II Yes 2.0
238121 English for Nursing IV Yes 2.0
238117 English for Psychology II Yes 2.0
238118 English for Psychology IV Yes 2.0
238119 English for Psychology VI Yes 2.0
238115 English for Underwater Technology II Yes 4.0
238123 French A1.2 Yes 3.0
238125 German A1.2 Yes 3.0
238126 German A2.2 Yes 3.0
247961 History of Rhetoric Yes 3.0
238130 Italian A1.2 Yes 3.0
238129 Spanish A1.2 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
140173 Choir Singing II Yes 2.0
226326 Croatian National Parks Yes 3.0
226324 Ecology Yes 3.0
226325 The Media of Contemporary Visual Art Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238438 Ethnolinguistic Research Yes 4.0
131828 The toponymy of the Eastern Adriatic Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
158531 Art in Historical Context 2 Yes 2.0
158530 Painting 1 Yes 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
158528 Croatian Medieval and Renaissance Literature Yes 2.0
158529 Croatian Standard Language Norms Yes 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
182612 undefined Yes 5.0
182609 undefined Yes 5.0
183649 undefined Yes 6.0
190932 Urban sociology Yes 5.0
212207 Ancient Heritage as the Origin of Urban Identity Yes 4.0
48942 Antique Philosophy II Yes 3.0
93668 Archaeology of Antique Greece Yes 5.0
157701 Cartography I Yes 2.0
140173 Choir Singing II Yes 2.0
144803 Church History Yes 3.0
238266 Croatian Language and Culture A1.1. Yes 4.0
238267 Croatian Language and Culture A1.2. Yes 4.0
226326 Croatian National Parks Yes 3.0
225181 Ecological Psychology Yes 6.0
226324 Ecology Yes 3.0
103106 Environmental Sociology Yes 5.0
48215 Evolutionary Psychology Yes 2.0
158071 Francophone comic Yes 2.0
144816 Fundamental Moral Theology Yes 4.0
183877 Fundamentals of geology II Yes 4.0
213675 Glagolitic Epigraphy Yes 5.0
213747 Glagolitic Epigraphy Yes 2.0
198344 Greek Language II Yes 7.0
183498 Greeks in Antique Illyricum Yes 3.0
198582 Heritage Yes 3.0
145964 History and Significance of Religions in Medieval Croatian Lands Yes 3.0
145981 History of Hellenism Yes 3.0
249249 History of the Croatian Language Yes 5.0
249253 History of the Croatian Literary Language Yes 3.0
183499 Hrvatsko Podunavlje u antičkom razdoblju Yes 3.0
157703 Hydrogeography II Yes 2.0
90568 Information Literacy Yes 3.0
212858 Institutions of the Roman World Yes 5.0
212209 Intimate Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans Yes 3.0
183502 Introduction to Antique Archaeology Yes 4.0
171387 Introduction to economic geography Yes 3.0
48775 Introduction to Greek II Yes 3.0
48832 Introduction to Latin II Yes 3.0
225399 Introduction to Microbial Biotechnology Yes 6.0
198341 Introduction to Modern Greek II Yes 3.0
56379 Introduction to the Study of French Literature Yes 3.0
50070 Italian as a foreign language II Yes 3.0
84905 Italian Culture and Civilization Yes 3.0
239075 Language Exercises II Yes 2.0
238270 Language Exercises II Yes 5.0
198367 Latin Language II Yes 7.0
70443 Media and society Yes 5.0
131364 Metaphysics and Cosmology Yes 3.0
181035 Musical Culture of the Church Yes 2.0
93673 Neolithic of the Middle East and S-E Europe Yes 5.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
181313 The Croatian War of Independence and creation of an independent Republic of Croatia Yes 3.0
212208 The Cuisine of Ancient Rome Yes 3.0
226325 The Media of Contemporary Visual Art Yes 3.0
48944 The Methodology of Scientific Work Yes 3.0
198285 The Performing Arts Yes 3.0
64524 The Performing Arts Yes 5.0
48941 The Philosophical Anthropology I Yes 3.0
48952 The Philosophical Anthropology I Yes 3.0
146028 The Pre-Roman Societies of Europe: Etruscans Yes 3.0
56397 The Slovenian Language Yes 3.0
64519 The Slovenian Language Yes 5.0
48670 The Theory of Literature Yes 5.0
239074 The Theory of Literature Yes 3.0
213746 Theory and Practice of Media Yes 3.0
131451 Visual Literacy Yes 3.0
158194 World Literature II (from Dante to Romanticism) Yes 5.0
226535 World Literature II (from Dante to Romanticism) Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198330 Chess Yes 2.0
225962 Golf tourism Yes 3.0
198446 Kendo I No 2.0
198329 Kinesiological culture 3 - Kayak Canoeing No 1.0
158117 Kinesiological culture 3 - Swimming No 1.0
158118 Kinesiological culture 4 (badminton) No 1.0
84558 Sports and Health Yes 5.0
198447 Sports management Yes 4.0
211781 Sports management in tourism Yes 4.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238752 English Language of Profession 1 Yes 2.0
170717 Kinesiological Culture 3 No 1.0
170710 Mathematics 3 Yes 3.0
170711 Overview of the Croatian National History Yes 3.0
170713 Philosophy of Education Yes 3.0
170708 Psychology of Learning Yes 4.0
170712 The Basics of Music Theory Yes 3.0
170709 The Syntax of Croatian Standard Language Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
170718 Acquisition the Croatian Standard Language Yes 2.0
170719 Croatian Literature of the Baroque and the Enlightenment Yes 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
170720 Graphics I Yes 2.0
170723 Three-dimensional Modeling and Design I Yes 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
143456 Choir Singing III Yes 2.0
226346 Internet at School Yes 3.0
226345 The Animated Film, Comic and Illustration Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
131826 Introduction to the Croatian Onomastics Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238083 Business English B1.1 Yes 3.0
238084 Business English B1.3 Yes 3.0
238085 Business English B2.1 Yes 3.0
238099 Contemporary Chinese A1.1 Yes 3.0
238097 Czech A1.1 Yes 3.0
238081 English for academic purposes I Yes 2.0
238082 English for academic purposes III Yes 2.0
238091 English for applied ecology in agriculture I Yes 2.0
238095 English for Nursing I Yes 2.0
238096 English for Nursing III Yes 2.0
238092 English for Psychology I Yes 2.0
238093 English for Psychology III Yes 2.0
238094 English for Psychology V Yes 2.0
238090 English for Underwater Technology I Yes 4.0
238098 French A1.1 Yes 3.0
238100 German A1.1 Yes 3.0
238101 German A2.1. Yes 3.0
238105 Italian A1.1 Yes 3.0
238104 Spanish A1.1 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
211780 Aikido No 2.0
198328 Extreme Sports - Skateboarding No 1.0
154128 Kendo I No 2.0
169364 Kinesiological culture 2 - Basketball No 1.0
182965 Kinesiological culture 2 - Vollejball No 1.0
158025 Kinesiology I (gym) No 1.0
182970 Sport Management in Tourism Yes 4.0
169363 Sports Management Yes 4.0
182967 Sports nutrition Yes 4.0
198327 Therapeutic Swimming No 1.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
226553 undefined Yes 5.0
198703 undefined Yes 5.0
226239 Medical Anthropology and Ethnomedicine Yes 4.0
239258 Aesthetics in the Everyday Life of the Ancient Romans Yes 3.0
183279 Analysis of the French Literary Texts Yes 2.0
157210 Ancient Greek and Roman Societies Yes 3.0
198704 Antique Shipwrecks and Navigation Routes on the East Adriatic Coast Yes 4.0
171040 Bioethics Yes 3.0
226240 Body and dress culture Yes 3.0
171380 Cartography II Yes 4.0
244335 Cathedral of Chartres Yes 2.0
213679 Children's Literature and Literature for the Young Yes 3.0
143456 Choir Singing III Yes 2.0
131363 Christian Revelation Yes 4.0
158394 Classical Mythology Yes 3.0
171379 Climatology I Yes 2.0
183188 Contemporary American Novel and Globalization Yes 4.0
226536 Croatian Language in the 19th Century Yes 3.0
157257 Croatian Military History in Modern Period Yes 3.0
48675 Croatian Oral Literature Yes 5.0
213769 Croatian Oral Literature Yes 3.0
183894 Cultural geography Yes 2.0
129085 Czech Language I Yes 3.0
183880 Demogeography I Yes 2.0
158198 Early Croatian Literature I Yes 5.0
227741 Early Croatian Literature I Yes 3.0
145035 Educational Work with Gifted Children Yes 3.0
226238 Ethnomusicology Yes 4.0
182438 Etno Music Practicum 1 No 2.0
114939 Etruscan Civilisation Yes 4.0
171382 Geomorphology I Yes 2.0
75825 Greek and Roman Metrics Yes 2.0
198345 Greek Language III Yes 5.0
85695 Greek Literature: Homer Yes 2.0
145965 Historical Toponymy of Eastern Adriatic Yes 3.0
145962 History of Venice Yes 3.0
201206 Imagery of Paris Yes 2.0
226346 Internet at School Yes 3.0
114767 Introduction to Film Studies Yes 4.0
57268 Introduction to Latin I Yes 3.0
212846 Introduction to Medieval Archaeology Yes 4.0
198333 Introduction to Modern Greek I Yes 3.0
213057 Introduction to Programming Yes 6.0
49977 Italian as a foreign language III Yes 3.0
84905 Italian Culture and Civilization Yes 3.0
198369 Latin Language III Yes 5.0
131379 Liturgics Yes 2.0
129286 Marine biology Yes 5.0
157401 Mariology Yes 2.0
239259 Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome Yes 3.0
170383 Movements in the Church Yes 2.0
145032 Musical Practice with Orff Instrumentation Yes 3.0
198702 Origin and Development of Christianity - Selected Chapters Yes 4.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
131369 Pneumatology Yes 2.0
160126 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging Yes 3.0
198286 Regional geography of Asia and Russia Yes 2.0
171443 Regional geography of Australia, Oceania and Antarctica Yes 2.0
171384 Regional geography of North America Yes 2.0
66685 Roman Literature: Rhetoric, Epistolography and Philosophy Yes 2.0
48745 Sociology of education Yes 5.0
48746 Sociology of family Yes 5.0
198310 Sociology of youth Yes 5.0
158395 Survey of Greek and Roman civilization Yes 3.0
226345 The Animated Film, Comic and Illustration Yes 3.0
213773 The Croatian Literary and Cultural Heritage of the Bay of Kotor Yes 3.0
48956 The Philosophical Anthropology II Yes 3.0
198279 The Principles of the Art of Film Yes 3.0
213677 The Principles of the Art of Film Yes 3.0
183576 Theory of reading and development of reading competencies in children and youth Yes 3.0
226708 Tourism Management Yes 4.0
145034 Visual communications Yes 3.0
158580 Women Artists in the 19th Century Yes 2.0
226537 World Literature III (from Realism to Contemporary Literature) Yes 3.0
158206 World Literature III (from Realism to Contemporary Literature) Yes 5.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
170740 Art Culture 1 Yes 3.0
238753 English Language of Profession 2 Yes 2.0
170734 Family Pedagogy Yes 3.0
170741 Fundamental Nations in the Theory of Literature Yes 3.0
170738 Informatics 2 Yes 3.0
170743 Kinesiological Culture 4 No 1.0
170735 Lexicology of Croatian Standard Language Yes 2.0
170736 Mathematics 4 Yes 3.0
170739 Musical Culture Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
140174 Choir Singing IV Yes 2.0
198582 Heritage Yes 3.0
226351 Introduction to Programming Yes 3.0
238573 Selected Chapters of the Philosophy of Education Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
170745 Three-dimensional Modeling and Design II Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
170744 Recent Croatian Literature - Romanticism Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198330 Chess Yes 2.0
225962 Golf tourism Yes 3.0
198446 Kendo I No 2.0
198329 Kinesiological culture 3 - Kayak Canoeing No 1.0
158117 Kinesiological culture 3 - Swimming No 1.0
158118 Kinesiological culture 4 (badminton) No 1.0
84558 Sports and Health Yes 5.0
198447 Sports management Yes 4.0
211781 Sports management in tourism Yes 4.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238108 Business English B1.2 Yes 3.0
238109 Business English B1.4 Yes 3.0
238110 Business English B2.2 Yes 3.0
238124 Contemporary Chinese A1.2 Yes 3.0
238122 Czech A1.2 Yes 3.0
238106 English for academic purposes II Yes 2.0
238107 English for academic purposes IV Yes 2.0
238116 English for applied ecology in agriculture II Yes 2.0
238120 English for Nursing II Yes 2.0
238121 English for Nursing IV Yes 2.0
238117 English for Psychology II Yes 2.0
238118 English for Psychology IV Yes 2.0
238119 English for Psychology VI Yes 2.0
238115 English for Underwater Technology II Yes 4.0
238123 French A1.2 Yes 3.0
238125 German A1.2 Yes 3.0
238126 German A2.2 Yes 3.0
247961 History of Rhetoric Yes 3.0
238130 Italian A1.2 Yes 3.0
238129 Spanish A1.2 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238438 Ethnolinguistic Research Yes 4.0
131828 The toponymy of the Eastern Adriatic Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
132102 undefined Yes 5.0
247535 undefined Yes 7.0
171435 Agricultural and rural geography Yes 2.0
114774 American Animated Film Yes 3.0
212207 Ancient Heritage as the Origin of Urban Identity Yes 4.0
169158 Anthropology of Dance Yes 3.0
143546 Apiculture Yes 4.0
114967 Archaeology of Roman Italy Yes 5.0
114965 Archaeology of the Migration Period Yes 5.0
158778 Children's Art Creativity Yes 3.0
140174 Choir Singing IV Yes 2.0
171428 Climatology II Yes 2.0
213782 Comedy and Comic Types Yes 3.0
238352 Contemporary French prose Yes 2.0
213777 Croatian Literature of the 19th Century Yes 3.0
158205 Croatian Literature of the 19th Century Yes 5.0
226709 Cultural Management Yes 4.0
129099 Czech Language II Yes 3.0
183883 Demogeography II Yes 2.0
244371 Donatello and His Artistic Circle Yes 2.0
158204 Early Croatian Literature II Yes 5.0
213776 Early Croatian Literature II Yes 3.0
225181 Ecological Psychology Yes 6.0
170381 Electives from the Bible Yes 2.0
131374 Ethics Yes 2.0
182442 Etno Music Practicum 2 No 2.0
48215 Evolutionary Psychology Yes 2.0
131375 Exegesis I. Yes 3.0
183289 French Literature and Cinema Yes 2.0
183882 Geography of religion Yes 2.0
171441 Geomorphology II Yes 2.0
159131 Gothic Genre Yes 3.0
198349 Greek Language IV Yes 5.0
85701 Greek Literature: The Classical Period Yes 2.0
198582 Heritage Yes 3.0
145964 History and Significance of Religions in Medieval Croatian Lands Yes 3.0
145981 History of Hellenism Yes 3.0
171438 Industrial geography Yes 2.0
90568 Information Literacy Yes 3.0
212209 Intimate Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans Yes 3.0
48832 Introduction to Latin II Yes 3.0
225399 Introduction to Microbial Biotechnology Yes 6.0
198341 Introduction to Modern Greek II Yes 3.0
226351 Introduction to Programming Yes 3.0
65838 Italian as a foreign language IV Yes 3.0
84905 Italian Culture and Civilization Yes 3.0
93798 Latin Language I Yes 5.0
198370 Latin Language IV Yes 5.0
212579 Locke's Essey concerning human understanding Yes 1.5
198708 Museology Yes 3.0
158779 Natural forms of movement Yes 3.0
183540 Partnership between Family and Educational Institutions Yes 3.0
131377 Patristics Yes 2.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
56221 Physical and Forensic Anthropology Yes 3.0
131362 Pneumatology Yes 2.0
198707 Preservation and Protection of Cultural Monuments Yes 3.0
171432 Regional geography of Africa Yes 2.0
74658 Roman Literature: Historiography Yes 2.0
198706 Romanisation of Antique Illyricum Yes 3.0
244370 Sanctuaries on the Medieval Pilgrimage Roads Yes 2.0
213043 Science Fiction and Philosophy Yes 3.0
238573 Selected Chapters of the Philosophy of Education Yes 3.0
131380 Selected Questions from the Bible Yes 2.0
182763 Slavic Philology Yes 3.0
55671 Sociology of culture Yes 5.0
212293 Sociology of Croatian society Yes 5.0
226246 Space and landscape Yes 3.0
181313 The Croatian War of Independence and creation of an independent Republic of Croatia Yes 3.0
212208 The Cuisine of Ancient Rome Yes 3.0
213775 The Phonology of the Croatian Language Standard Yes 3.0
158203 The Phonology of the Croatian Language Standard Yes 5.0
146028 The Pre-Roman Societies of Europe: Etruscans Yes 3.0
213778 The Theory of the Forms of Oral Literature Yes 3.0
158207 The Theory of the Forms of Oral Literature Yes 5.0
129087 Theory and Practice of Media Yes 3.0
144828 Trinitiarian Theology Yes 4.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
182475 Didactics Yes 4.0
182470 Genres in Children's Literature Yes 3.0
226354 Inclusive Education Yes 3.0
182474 Musical Practicum I Yes 2.0
182476 Professional Pedagogical Practice 1 No 2.0
182471 Scenical Culture Yes 3.0
182473 The Basics of Kinesiology Yes 3.0
182477 Visual Art Culture 2 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198566 Choral Singing V Yes 2.0
226356 Elementary Games in Primary Education Yes 3.0
226355 Mathematical Games at School Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
182478 New Croatian Literature - Pre-realism and Realism Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
182479 Grafics 2 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
132112 undefined Yes 5.0
158375 undefined Yes 5.0
132113 undefined Yes 5.0
132111 undefined Yes 5.0
239258 Aesthetics in the Everyday Life of the Ancient Romans Yes 3.0
158798 Aesthetics of Space in Preschool Institution Yes 3.0
157210 Ancient Greek and Roman Societies Yes 3.0
54917 Artes Minores Yes 4.0
244335 Cathedral of Chartres Yes 2.0
158804 Childrens Creativity on the Move Yes 3.0
198566 Choral Singing V Yes 2.0
157410 Christology Yes 3.0
158394 Classical Mythology Yes 3.0
183188 Contemporary American Novel and Globalization Yes 4.0
112528 Contemporary Prose through Translation Perspective Yes 3.0
238281 Croatian lexicography Yes 3.0
238469 Croatian lexicography Yes 2.0
198226 Croatian literature in 20th Century I (modern,expressionism, synthetic realism) Yes 6.0
226541 Croatian literature in 20th Century I (modern,expressionism, synthetic realism) Yes 4.0
157257 Croatian Military History in Modern Period Yes 3.0
239076 Cursive Glagolitic and Croatian Cyrillic Script Yes 2.0
213693 Cursive Glagolitic and Croatian Cyrillic Script Yes 3.0
198225 Dialectology Yes 5.0
226539 Dialectology Yes 3.0
158378 Early Croatian Literature III Yes 5.0
227743 Early Croatian Literature III Yes 3.0
226356 Elementary Games in Primary Education Yes 3.0
182438 Etno Music Practicum 1 No 2.0
183296 French Travel Novels Yes 2.0
75802 Greek Literature: The Later Classical Period Yes 2.0
145965 Historical Toponymy of Eastern Adriatic Yes 3.0
157416 History of the Church in Croatia Yes 2.0
145962 History of Venice Yes 3.0
237081 Human Resources Management Yes 6.0
132109 Iconography of Greco-Roman Pantheon Yes 4.0
114767 Introduction to Film Studies Yes 4.0
57268 Introduction to Latin I Yes 3.0
198333 Introduction to Modern Greek I Yes 3.0
198287 Introduction to political geography Yes 2.0
50029 Italian as a foreign language V Yes 3.0
184435 Liquid Cargo Transport Technology Yes 4.0
183350 Marketing Yes 6.0
226355 Mathematical Games at School Yes 3.0
169595 Mechanisms and Vibrations Yes 4.0
239259 Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome Yes 3.0
226540 Morphology of the Croatian Standard Language Yes 3.0
157556 Pastoral Theology Yes 2.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
157461 Protection of nature Yes 4.0
160126 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging Yes 3.0
48217 Psychology of Family and Parenthood Yes 2.0
183889 Regional geography of Croatia I Yes 2.0
183890 Regional geography of Europe Yes 2.0
183891 Regional geography of Latin America Yes 2.0
212812 Ritual Theory Yes 3.0
75838 Roman Literature: Epic Poetry and Satire Yes 2.0
144848 Sacraments Yes 3.0
144834 Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church Yes 2.0
48744 Sociology of emotions Yes 5.0
48763 Sociology of religion Yes 5.0
158395 Survey of Greek and Roman civilization Yes 3.0
143663 The Croatian Literary and Cultural Heritage of the Bay of Kotor Yes 3.0
48972 The Mistery of Beauty Yes 3.0
131381 The Role of the Laity in the Church Yes 2.0
183887 Tourist geography Yes 2.0
183886 Urban geography I Yes 2.0
158580 Women Artists in the 19th Century Yes 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238083 Business English B1.1 Yes 3.0
238084 Business English B1.3 Yes 3.0
238085 Business English B2.1 Yes 3.0
238099 Contemporary Chinese A1.1 Yes 3.0
238097 Czech A1.1 Yes 3.0
238081 English for academic purposes I Yes 2.0
238082 English for academic purposes III Yes 2.0
238091 English for applied ecology in agriculture I Yes 2.0
238095 English for Nursing I Yes 2.0
238096 English for Nursing III Yes 2.0
238092 English for Psychology I Yes 2.0
238093 English for Psychology III Yes 2.0
238094 English for Psychology V Yes 2.0
238090 English for Underwater Technology I Yes 4.0
238098 French A1.1 Yes 3.0
238100 German A1.1 Yes 3.0
238101 German A2.1. Yes 3.0
238105 Italian A1.1 Yes 3.0
238104 Spanish A1.1 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
211780 Aikido No 2.0
198328 Extreme Sports - Skateboarding No 1.0
154128 Kendo I No 2.0
169364 Kinesiological culture 2 - Basketball No 1.0
182965 Kinesiological culture 2 - Vollejball No 1.0
158025 Kinesiology I (gym) No 1.0
182970 Sport Management in Tourism Yes 4.0
169363 Sports Management Yes 4.0
182967 Sports nutrition Yes 4.0
198327 Therapeutic Swimming No 1.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
131826 Introduction to the Croatian Onomastics Yes 5.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
182513 Croatian Children's Literature Yes 4.0
182518 Introduction to Probability and Statistics Yes 3.0
182514 Media Culture Yes 3.0
182515 Methods of Working with Pupils with Special Needs Yes 3.0
182516 Musical Practicum II Yes 2.0
182517 Professional Pedagogical Practice 2 No 2.0
193859 Psychology of Teaching Yes 3.0
182519 Psyhology of Communication Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198567 Choral Singing VI Yes 2.0
226357 E-Learning Yes 3.0
226373 Multimedia in Education Yes 3.0
226374 Valorization of Natural Heritage in Tourism Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
182520 Croatian Modern Literature Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
182521 Painting 2 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
212852 undefined Yes 5.0
183303 African Francophone novel Yes 2.0
114774 American Animated Film Yes 3.0
212207 Ancient Heritage as the Origin of Urban Identity Yes 4.0
144833 Canon Law Yes 2.0
183833 Cartography and visualization Yes 3.0
198567 Choral Singing VI Yes 2.0
198230 Comedy and Comic Types Yes 5.0
183188 Contemporary American Novel and Globalization Yes 4.0
226546 Croatian Lexicology Yes 3.0
158382 Croatian Lexicology Yes 5.0
226544 Croatian Literature of the 20th Century II (from neomodernism to postmodernism) Yes 3.0
199961 Croatian Literature of the 20th Century II (from neomodernism to postmodernism) Yes 5.0
158839 Croatian Oral Literature for Children Yes 3.0
182770 Croatian phraseology Yes 5.0
244371 Donatello and His Artistic Circle Yes 2.0
226357 E-Learning Yes 3.0
144832 Ecclesiology Yes 3.0
225181 Ecological Psychology Yes 6.0
218425 Educational Work with Children with Behavioral Disorders Yes 3.0
226255 Ethnolinguistic Research Yes 4.0
182442 Etno Music Practicum 2 No 2.0
48215 Evolutionary Psychology Yes 2.0
144849 Exegesis II. Yes 3.0
183910 Geography of natural hazards Yes 2.0
159131 Gothic Genre Yes 3.0
75805 Greek Literature: Fourth Century Yes 2.0
145964 History and Significance of Religions in Medieval Croatian Lands Yes 3.0
145981 History of Hellenism Yes 3.0
238435 History of the Future Yes 3.0
226358 Human Rights: Concept, Development, Global Perspective Yes 3.0
90568 Information Literacy Yes 3.0
93573 Inspection Survey and Vessel Supervision Yes 3.0
212209 Intimate Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans Yes 3.0
114767 Introduction to Film Studies Yes 4.0
48832 Introduction to Latin II Yes 3.0
225399 Introduction to Microbial Biotechnology Yes 6.0
198341 Introduction to Modern Greek II Yes 3.0
225910 Introduction to Religious Pedagogy Yes 2.0
65858 Italian as a foreign language VI Yes 3.0
183906 Maritime geography Yes 2.0
183913 Medical geography Yes 2.0
212854 Medieval and early modern numismatics Yes 4.0
226373 Multimedia in Education Yes 3.0
198229 Narratology Yes 2.0
198232 Narratology Yes 2.0
138019 Organization of Recreation Activities Yes 3.0
183540 Partnership between Family and Educational Institutions Yes 3.0
170363 Pastoral Sacraments Yes 2.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
177965 Postmodernism and Christianity Yes 2.0
238596 Promotional Activities Yes 4.0
183907 Regional geography of Croatia II Yes 2.0
144847 Religious Education of Preschool Children Yes 3.0
85697 Roman Literature: Lyric Poetry and Epigram Yes 2.0
244370 Sanctuaries on the Medieval Pilgrimage Roads Yes 2.0
169591 Shipboard Energy Systems Yes 4.0
226246 Space and landscape Yes 3.0
226712 Special Interest Tourism Yes 5.0
226557 Stylistics Yes 3.0
226545 Stylistics Yes 3.0
181313 The Croatian War of Independence and creation of an independent Republic of Croatia Yes 3.0
212208 The Cuisine of Ancient Rome Yes 3.0
146028 The Pre-Roman Societies of Europe: Etruscans Yes 3.0
226543 The Syntax of the Croatian Language Standard Yes 3.0
226077 Theatre Workshop Yes 2.0
183905 Transport geography Yes 2.0
183904 Urban geography II Yes 2.0
226374 Valorization of Natural Heritage in Tourism Yes 3.0
226266 World geopolitical systems Yes 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238438 Ethnolinguistic Research Yes 4.0
131828 The toponymy of the Eastern Adriatic Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238108 Business English B1.2 Yes 3.0
238109 Business English B1.4 Yes 3.0
238110 Business English B2.2 Yes 3.0
238124 Contemporary Chinese A1.2 Yes 3.0
238122 Czech A1.2 Yes 3.0
238106 English for academic purposes II Yes 2.0
238107 English for academic purposes IV Yes 2.0
238116 English for applied ecology in agriculture II Yes 2.0
238120 English for Nursing II Yes 2.0
238121 English for Nursing IV Yes 2.0
238117 English for Psychology II Yes 2.0
238118 English for Psychology IV Yes 2.0
238119 English for Psychology VI Yes 2.0
238115 English for Underwater Technology II Yes 4.0
238123 French A1.2 Yes 3.0
238125 German A1.2 Yes 3.0
238126 German A2.2 Yes 3.0
247961 History of Rhetoric Yes 3.0
238130 Italian A1.2 Yes 3.0
238129 Spanish A1.2 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198330 Chess Yes 2.0
225962 Golf tourism Yes 3.0
198446 Kendo I No 2.0
198329 Kinesiological culture 3 - Kayak Canoeing No 1.0
158117 Kinesiological culture 3 - Swimming No 1.0
158118 Kinesiological culture 4 (badminton) No 1.0
84558 Sports and Health Yes 5.0
198447 Sports management Yes 4.0
211781 Sports management in tourism Yes 4.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198576 Methodics of Kinesiology I Yes 3.0
198570 Methodics of Teaching Croatian Language I Yes 4.0
198572 Methodics of Teaching Mathematics I Yes 3.0
198575 Methodics of Teaching Music I Yes 3.0
198573 Methodics of Teaching Nature and Science I Yes 3.0
198574 Methodics of Teaching Visual Arts I Yes 3.0
198577 Pedagogical Practice III No 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198579 Three-Dimensional Shaping and Design III Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198584 Choral Singing VII Yes 2.0
198585 Croatian Natural Heritage Yes 3.0
145035 Educational Work with Gifted Children Yes 3.0
198583 Homeland History Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198578 Contemporary Croatian Literature Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
244943 undefined Yes 3.0
244945 A Comparative History of South Slavic Literatures Yes 3.0
143664 A Comparative History of South Slavic Literatures Yes 5.0
239258 Aesthetics in the Everyday Life of the Ancient Romans Yes 3.0
198384 Anthropology of art Yes 4.0
244335 Cathedral of Chartres Yes 2.0
212559 Chivalric Romance Yes 3.0
198584 Choral Singing VII Yes 2.0
158165 Classical Hollywood Film Yes 4.0
158394 Classical Mythology Yes 3.0
158171 Contact Linguistics Yes 4.0
244939 Contemporary Croatian drama Yes 3.0
244938 Contemporary Croatian Prose Yes 3.0
183331 Corpus linguistics Yes 5.0
198585 Croatian Natural Heritage Yes 3.0
244947 Croatian women writers of 20th and 21st century Yes 3.0
170826 Croatian women writers of 20th and 21st century Yes 5.0
56043 Cultural History and Tourism Yes 5.0
94586 Culture, modernisation and globalisation Yes 5.0
212793 Cultures of Memory and Experiences of Temporality Yes 4.0
112472 Dialectology Yes 5.0
212669 Digital Humanities Yes 6.0
212286 Disasters and inequalities Yes 5.0
143465 Educational linguistics Yes 4.0
145035 Educational Work with Gifted Children Yes 3.0
183510 Entrepreneurship in Educational Context Yes 3.0
182438 Etno Music Practicum 1 No 2.0
157849 Fundamentals of oceanology Yes 4.0
226520 General phonetics and phonology Yes 5.0
157939 Geoecology Yes 2.0
157940 Geographical aspects of coastal zone management Yes 2.0
157944 Geographical landscape analysis Yes 2.0
183794 Geography of Croatian Islands Yes 2.0
157569 History of Cathechesis and Catechetics Yes 2.0
75811 History of Contemporary Italian Literature Yes 3.0
198583 Homeland History Yes 3.0
169839 Informatics for Translators Yes 2.0
198333 Introduction to Modern Greek I Yes 3.0
157564 Jesus of Nazareth by Benedict XVI: Yes 2.0
197937 Language Policy and Planning Yes 4.0
244940 Language standardization Yes 3.0
183332 Linguistic Anthropology Yes 4.0
170907 Literary translation - contemporary theoretical approaches Yes 3.0
119469 Media Language Yes 3.0
239259 Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome Yes 3.0
226522 Morphology Yes 5.0
56121 Myth, Ritual, Customs Yes 5.0
244950 Myth, Ritual, Customs Yes 3.0
158167 Narrative in Literature and Film Yes 4.0
170418 Orality in Writing Yes 3.0
158166 Paradigms of Violence in Contemporary American Novels Yes 4.0
157587 Pastoral Medicine Yes 2.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
82678 Philosophical Counselling Yes 3.0
144619 Psycholinguistics Yes 3.0
56234 Psychology of Human Sexuality I Yes 2.0
157561 Psychology of Religion Yes 2.0
226521 Research methods in linguistics Yes 5.0
182765 Semantics Yes 5.0
158395 Survey of Greek and Roman civilization Yes 3.0
159347 Sustainable Tourism Yes 5.0
244424 Teaching Information Literacy Yes 4.0
238298 Terminology Yes 3.0
244948 The Generation of the "Krugovaši" in Croatian Literature Yes 3.0
170820 The History of Croatian Versification Yes 3.0
157586 The Religious Education and Catechesis of Children and Preadolescents Yes 4.0
157941 Tourism and spatial resources in Croatia Yes 2.0
158580 Women Artists in the 19th Century Yes 2.0
238591 Word Formation in the Croatian Language Standard Yes 3.0
244941 Word Formation in the Croatian Language Standard Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
131826 Introduction to the Croatian Onomastics Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238083 Business English B1.1 Yes 3.0
238084 Business English B1.3 Yes 3.0
238085 Business English B2.1 Yes 3.0
238099 Contemporary Chinese A1.1 Yes 3.0
238097 Czech A1.1 Yes 3.0
238081 English for academic purposes I Yes 2.0
238082 English for academic purposes III Yes 2.0
238091 English for applied ecology in agriculture I Yes 2.0
238095 English for Nursing I Yes 2.0
238096 English for Nursing III Yes 2.0
238092 English for Psychology I Yes 2.0
238093 English for Psychology III Yes 2.0
238094 English for Psychology V Yes 2.0
238090 English for Underwater Technology I Yes 4.0
238098 French A1.1 Yes 3.0
238100 German A1.1 Yes 3.0
238101 German A2.1. Yes 3.0
238105 Italian A1.1 Yes 3.0
238104 Spanish A1.1 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
211780 Aikido No 2.0
198328 Extreme Sports - Skateboarding No 1.0
154128 Kendo I No 2.0
169364 Kinesiological culture 2 - Basketball No 1.0
182965 Kinesiological culture 2 - Vollejball No 1.0
158025 Kinesiology I (gym) No 1.0
182970 Sport Management in Tourism Yes 4.0
169363 Sports Management Yes 4.0
182967 Sports nutrition Yes 4.0
198327 Therapeutic Swimming No 1.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198687 Methodics of Kinesiology II Yes 3.0
198682 Methodics of Teaching Croatian Language II Yes 4.0
198683 Methodics of Teaching Mathematics II Yes 3.0
198686 Methodics of Teaching Music II Yes 3.0
198684 Methodics of Teaching Nature and Science II Yes 3.0
198685 Methodics of Teaching Visual Arts II Yes 3.0
198688 Pedagogical Practice IV No 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198691 Painting III Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198693 Choral Singing VIII Yes 2.0
198692 Extracurricular Kinesiological Programs Yes 3.0
238579 Selected Topics in the Field of Marine Science Yes 3.0
198580 Specific Learning Disorders Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198689 Croatian Literature in Diaspora Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198441 undefined Yes 2.0
212799 American Horror Genre Yes 4.0
212207 Ancient Heritage as the Origin of Urban Identity Yes 4.0
198525 Ancient Rome and Her Provinces Yes 5.0
227378 Angelology and Demonology Yes 2.0
226338 Anthropology of the Mediterranean Yes 5.0
172067 Books I.-III. of the Law Yes 3.0
198693 Choral Singing VIII Yes 2.0
226525 Communication in theory and practice Yes 5.0
65271 Comparative Idiomatics Yes 3.0
75547 Contrastive Linguistics Yes 3.0
86052 Croatian Cultural History and Tourism Yes 5.0
198311 Demographic spatial resources Yes 2.0
248476 Digital Image Processing and Analysis Yes 4.0
244371 Donatello and His Artistic Circle Yes 2.0
94494 Dystopia and Language Yes 4.0
244960 Emotionology in literature studies Yes 3.0
182442 Etno Music Practicum 2 No 2.0
182852 EU Funds Yes 6.0
198692 Extracurricular Kinesiological Programs Yes 3.0
159760 French 20th Century Poetry Yes 2.0
157961 Geographical aspects of regionalisation and spatial planning Yes 2.0
157960 Geography of the Adriatic Yes 2.0
238578 History of ancient Egypt Yes 5.0
90568 Information Literacy Yes 3.0
212209 Intimate Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans Yes 3.0
198341 Introduction to Modern Greek II Yes 3.0
225910 Introduction to Religious Pedagogy Yes 2.0
170645 Italian-Language Literature in Dalmatia Yes 3.0
157962 Karst geography Yes 2.0
238704 Linguistic and Cultural Heritage in Tourism Yes 5.0
170948 Literary Translation - World Literature Yes 3.0
226563 Literary Translation Italian-Croatian Yes 3.0
212458 Machine-assisted translation Yes 3.0
170364 Marriage and Family Ministry Yes 2.0
94607 Media theories and methods Yes 5.0
244959 Mediterraneanism in Contemporary Croatian Poetry Yes 3.0
75638 Metaphor - Philosophical Aspects Yes 5.0
158186 Modern American Independent Film Yes 4.0
170367 New age and Christianity Yes 2.0
157556 Pastoral Theology Yes 2.0
130206 Pedagogical Counselling Yes 3.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
244956 Posthumanism and the Novel Yes 3.0
158189 Pragmatics Yes 4.0
57426 Psychology of Human Sexuality II Yes 2.0
244370 Sanctuaries on the Medieval Pilgrimage Roads Yes 2.0
226523 Semantics Yes 5.0
198580 Specific Learning Disorders Yes 3.0
235156 Stylistics od lyrical text Yes 5.0
244957 Stylistics od lyrical text Yes 3.0
226524 Syntax Yes 5.0
244955 The Croatian Language in the 20th Century Yes 3.0
212208 The Cuisine of Ancient Rome Yes 3.0
170368 The Religious Education and Catechesis of Adolescents and the Young Yes 4.0
144909 Translation Theories Yes 3.0
112286 Work and Family Roles: Theory and Research Yes 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198330 Chess Yes 2.0
225962 Golf tourism Yes 3.0
198446 Kendo I No 2.0
198329 Kinesiological culture 3 - Kayak Canoeing No 1.0
158117 Kinesiological culture 3 - Swimming No 1.0
158118 Kinesiological culture 4 (badminton) No 1.0
84558 Sports and Health Yes 5.0
198447 Sports management Yes 4.0
211781 Sports management in tourism Yes 4.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238438 Ethnolinguistic Research Yes 4.0
131828 The toponymy of the Eastern Adriatic Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238108 Business English B1.2 Yes 3.0
238109 Business English B1.4 Yes 3.0
238110 Business English B2.2 Yes 3.0
238124 Contemporary Chinese A1.2 Yes 3.0
238122 Czech A1.2 Yes 3.0
238106 English for academic purposes II Yes 2.0
238107 English for academic purposes IV Yes 2.0
238116 English for applied ecology in agriculture II Yes 2.0
238120 English for Nursing II Yes 2.0
238121 English for Nursing IV Yes 2.0
238117 English for Psychology II Yes 2.0
238118 English for Psychology IV Yes 2.0
238119 English for Psychology VI Yes 2.0
238115 English for Underwater Technology II Yes 4.0
238123 French A1.2 Yes 3.0
238125 German A1.2 Yes 3.0
238126 German A2.2 Yes 3.0
247961 History of Rhetoric Yes 3.0
238130 Italian A1.2 Yes 3.0
238129 Spanish A1.2 Yes 3.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
213166 Methodics of Kinesiology III Yes 3.0
213159 Methodics of Teaching Croatian Language III Yes 3.0
213160 Methodics of Teaching Mathematics III Yes 3.0
213165 Methodics of Teaching Music III Yes 3.0
213162 Methodics of Teaching Nature and Society III Yes 3.0
213164 Methodics of Teaching Visual Arts III Yes 3.0
213167 Research Methodology in Education Studies Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
213168 Methodics for Optional Module 1 Courses Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
213169 Methodics for Optional Module 2 Courses Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
213170 Kinesiotherapeutic Programs for Children with Disabilities Yes 3.0
238583 Preschool Curriculum Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238083 Business English B1.1 Yes 3.0
238084 Business English B1.3 Yes 3.0
238085 Business English B2.1 Yes 3.0
238099 Contemporary Chinese A1.1 Yes 3.0
238097 Czech A1.1 Yes 3.0
238081 English for academic purposes I Yes 2.0
238082 English for academic purposes III Yes 2.0
238091 English for applied ecology in agriculture I Yes 2.0
238095 English for Nursing I Yes 2.0
238096 English for Nursing III Yes 2.0
238092 English for Psychology I Yes 2.0
238093 English for Psychology III Yes 2.0
238094 English for Psychology V Yes 2.0
238090 English for Underwater Technology I Yes 4.0
238098 French A1.1 Yes 3.0
238100 German A1.1 Yes 3.0
238101 German A2.1. Yes 3.0
238105 Italian A1.1 Yes 3.0
238104 Spanish A1.1 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
211780 Aikido No 2.0
198328 Extreme Sports - Skateboarding No 1.0
154128 Kendo I No 2.0
169364 Kinesiological culture 2 - Basketball No 1.0
182965 Kinesiological culture 2 - Vollejball No 1.0
158025 Kinesiology I (gym) No 1.0
182970 Sport Management in Tourism Yes 4.0
169363 Sports Management Yes 4.0
182967 Sports nutrition Yes 4.0
198327 Therapeutic Swimming No 1.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
131826 Introduction to the Croatian Onomastics Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
239258 Aesthetics in the Everyday Life of the Ancient Romans Yes 3.0
170783 Applied geoecology Yes 2.0
238430 Biblical Theology Yes 4.0
172071 Books IV.-VII. of the Law Yes 3.0
244335 Cathedral of Chartres Yes 2.0
157588 Church Administration Yes 2.0
158165 Classical Hollywood Film Yes 4.0
158394 Classical Mythology Yes 3.0
158171 Contact Linguistics Yes 4.0
227655 Contemporary Croatian drama Yes 4.0
226672 Contemporary Croatian Prose Yes 5.0
183331 Corpus linguistics Yes 5.0
238598 Croats and Croats outside Croatia Yes 4.0
75812 Deep Sections of Italian Literature and Methods of Interpretation Yes 3.0
145052 Destination Management Yes 5.0
112472 Dialectology Yes 5.0
143465 Educational linguistics Yes 4.0
183510 Entrepreneurship in Educational Context Yes 3.0
75308 Environmental Economics Yes 5.0
182438 Etno Music Practicum 1 No 2.0
159786 European Organisations and International Institutions Yes 3.0
212448 French literature of Middle Ages and Renaissance Yes 2.0
226520 General phonetics and phonology Yes 5.0
170782 Geographical approach to cultural heritage valorisation Yes 2.0
119080 History of Translation Yes 3.0
198333 Introduction to Modern Greek I Yes 3.0
213170 Kinesiotherapeutic Programs for Children with Disabilities Yes 3.0
197937 Language Policy and Planning Yes 4.0
238595 Language standardization Yes 3.0
159756 Lexicology and Lexicography Yes 2.0
183332 Linguistic Anthropology Yes 4.0
172604 Literature Didactics Yes 3.0
86009 Marketing in Culture and Tourism Yes 5.0
119469 Media Language Yes 3.0
239259 Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome Yes 3.0
226522 Morphology Yes 5.0
158167 Narrative in Literature and Film Yes 4.0
202525 Natural-geographic aspect of environment changes Yes 3.0
170418 Orality in Writing Yes 3.0
158166 Paradigms of Violence in Contemporary American Novels Yes 4.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
171195 Philosophy of information Yes 4.0
238583 Preschool Curriculum Yes 3.0
226521 Research methods in linguistics Yes 5.0
170366 Selected Topics from Marital Law Yes 2.0
129358 Semiotics of Advertising Yes 5.0
65551 Sociology of education Yes 5.0
114786 Sociology of identity Yes 5.0
202526 Space management and disaster risk reduction Yes 3.0
158395 Survey of Greek and Roman civilization Yes 3.0
244424 Teaching Information Literacy Yes 4.0
182774 Textology Yes 4.0
169858 The contemporary theory and poetics of translation Yes 4.0
170384 The Catechesis and Religious Culture of Adults Yes 3.0
182775 The Generation of the "Krugovaši" in Croatian Literature Yes 4.0
170369 The Johannine Corpus Yes 3.0
238599 Theory and style of confessional lyrical poetry Yes 4.0
114788 Transnational social spaces Yes 5.0
226348 Visual Culture and Anthropocene Yes 5.0
158580 Women Artists in the 19th Century Yes 2.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
213182 Culture and Metaphysics Yes 3.0
213183 Docimology in Pedagogical Studies Yes 3.0
213181 Master's Degree Research Yes 24.0

* Shown data depends on display parameters set by individual higher education institution.