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University of Zadar

Study programme

Study: Archaeology, ac. year 2023/2024

Type of study: undergraduate university Type of delivery: part-time Duration in semesters: 6
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
225954 Aegean Bronze age Civilisations Yes 3.0
225955 Field Work No 2.0
225950 Introduction to Academic Literacy No 2.0
225951 Introduction to Field Research No 2.0
225952 Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology Yes 3.0
225953 Paleolithic and Mesolithic Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of Archaeology

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238099 Contemporary Chinese A1.1 Yes 3.0
238097 Czech A1.1 Yes 3.0
251968 Czech A2.1 Yes 3.0
238081 English for academic purposes I Yes 2.0
238098 French A1.1 Yes 3.0
251969 French A2.1 Yes 3.0
238100 German A1.1 Yes 3.0
238101 German A2.1. Yes 3.0
238105 Italian A1.1 Yes 3.0
251972 Italian A2.1 Yes 3.0
251971 Spanish A2.1 Yes 3.0
238104 Spanish A1.1 Yes 3.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238321 Archaeology of Roman Italy Yes 3.0
238323 Archaeology of the Migration Period 33 30 Yes 3.0
238324 Course in Geodesy No 1.0
238319 European Iron Age Yes 3.0
238325 Field Work No 2.0
238320 Latin Language I Yes 3.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
Mandatory courses are not registered.
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
Mandatory courses are not registered.

* Shown data depends on display parameters set by individual higher education institution.