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University of Zadar

Study programme

Study: German Language and Literature, ac. year 2023/2024

Type of study: undergraduate university Type of delivery: full-time Duration in semesters: 6
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
55616 German Language Exercises I Yes 5.0
55615 Introduction to the Study of German Literature Yes 4.0
176204 Phonetics and Phonology of the German Language Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
212728 German Culture and Civilization Yes 3.0
48519 Introduction to Literary Interpretation I Yes 3.0
99346 Word Formation Yes 3.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
48522 Chapters from Earlier German Literature Yes 3.0
55618 German Language Exercises II Yes 5.0
55617 Introduction to the Study of German Language Yes 4.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
158029 Croatian-German Contrastive Linguistics Yes 3.0
48527 Introduction to Literary Interpretation II Yes 3.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
55621 German Language Exercises III Yes 5.0
213218 Literature of the Vienna Modernism Yes 3.0
142771 Morphology of the German Language Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238238 German literature from 1945 to 1989 Yes 3.0
48549 Literature of the Biedermeier Yes 3.0
212730 Scientific Writing Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
74161 Language and Art of Speaking I Yes 3.0
142773 Sociolinguistics Yes 3.0
74507 Text Types Yes 3.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
55624 German Language Exercises IV Yes 5.0
48537 Goethe Yes 3.0
142774 Syntax of the German Language Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
48517 Comparative Stylistics of the German Ballad Yes 3.0
119463 Modern Drama Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
212732 History of the German Language Yes 3.0
212729 Pluricentricity of the German Language Yes 3.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
170992 German Language Exercises V Yes 4.0
48545 Realism and Naturalism Yes 3.0
158044 Semantics of the German Language Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238238 German literature from 1945 to 1989 Yes 3.0
48549 Literature of the Biedermeier Yes 3.0
212730 Scientific Writing Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
74161 Language and Art of Speaking I Yes 3.0
142773 Sociolinguistics Yes 3.0
74507 Text Types Yes 3.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
170993 German Language Exercises VI Yes 4.0
124892 Romanticism Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
212732 History of the German Language Yes 3.0
212729 Pluricentricity of the German Language Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
103297 Bachelor`s thesis Yes 6.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of German Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
48517 Comparative Stylistics of the German Ballad Yes 3.0
119463 Modern Drama Yes 3.0

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