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University of Zadar

Study programme

Study: French Language and Literature: Teacher Education Programme, ac. year 2023/2024

Type of study: graduate university Type of delivery: full-time Duration in semesters: 4
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
159147 French language VII Yes 2.0
183130 Glottodidactics Yes 3.0
159146 Literature in the Classroom Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
251970 Contemporary Chinese A2.1 Yes 3.0
238083 Business English B1.1 Yes 3.0
238084 Business English B1.3 Yes 3.0
238085 Business English B2.1 Yes 3.0
238099 Contemporary Chinese A1.1 Yes 3.0
238097 Czech A1.1 Yes 3.0
251968 Czech A2.1 Yes 3.0
238081 English for academic purposes I Yes 2.0
238082 English for academic purposes III Yes 2.0
254332 English for academic purposes V Yes 2.0
238091 English for applied ecology in agriculture I Yes 2.0
251966 English for Information Technology I Yes 3.0
238095 English for Nursing I Yes 2.0
238096 English for Nursing III Yes 2.0
254336 English for Psychology I i II Yes 4.0
238093 English for Psychology III Yes 2.0
238094 English for Psychology V Yes 2.0
238090 English for Underwater Technology I Yes 4.0
238098 French A1.1 Yes 3.0
251969 French A2.1 Yes 3.0
238100 German A1.1 Yes 3.0
238101 German A2.1. Yes 3.0
238102 German B1.1 Yes 3.0
251973 History of Rhetoric Yes 3.0
238105 Italian A1.1 Yes 3.0
251972 Italian A2.1 Yes 3.0
251974 Literary Workshop I Yes 3.0
251975 Rhetoric workshop I Yes 3.0
251971 Spanish A2.1 Yes 3.0
238104 Spanish A1.1 Yes 3.0
267779 Spanish B1.1 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Teacher competences - elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
172602 undefined Yes 6.0
199281 Academic Practicum Yes 2.0
215225 Academic Writing Yes 3.0
151415 Academic Writing Yes 3.0
140071 Andragogy Yes 5.0
172609 Educational linguistics Yes 4.0
214622 Entrepreneurship in Educational Context Yes 3.0
151413 Information and Communication Technology and Learning Yes 3.0
239658 Instructional design and e-learning user experience Yes 4.0
172604 Literature Didactics Yes 3.0
163266 Sociology of education Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
244943 undefined Yes 3.0
252646 undefined Yes 3.0
252659 undefined Yes 4.0
252643 undefined Yes 3.0
183550 Early Christian archeology on the east coast of the Adriatic Yes 4.0
143664 A Comparative History of South Slavic Literatures Yes 5.0
244945 A Comparative History of South Slavic Literatures Yes 3.0
158034 Adriatic Bronze Age Yes 4.0
239258 Aesthetics in the Everyday Life of the Ancient Romans Yes 3.0
252105 Anthropology of animals Yes 4.0
198384 Anthropology of art Yes 4.0
158047 Archaeology of the Migration Period - Selected Chapters Yes 4.0
183036 Basque language I Yes 3.0
158045 Byzantium on the Eastern Adriatic Yes 4.0
212559 Chivalric Romance Yes 3.0
198584 Choral Singing VII Yes 2.0
158036 Classical Archaeology of the Eastern Adriatic I Yes 4.0
158165 Classical Hollywood Film Yes 4.0
251904 Classical Mythology: Gods Yes 3.0
158171 Contact Linguistics Yes 4.0
244939 Contemporary Croatian drama Yes 3.0
244938 Contemporary Croatian Prose Yes 3.0
244961 Croats and Croats outside Croatia Yes 3.0
56043 Cultural History and Tourism Yes 5.0
94586 Culture, modernisation and globalisation Yes 5.0
112472 Dialectology Yes 5.0
212669 Digital Humanities Yes 6.0
212286 Disasters and inequalities Yes 5.0
158041 Economy of Roman Histria and Dalmatia Yes 4.0
143465 Educational linguistics Yes 4.0
145035 Educational Work with Gifted Children Yes 3.0
183510 Entrepreneurship in Educational Context Yes 3.0
182438 Etno Music Practicum 1 No 2.0
157849 Fundamentals of oceanology Yes 4.0
226520 General phonetics and phonology Yes 5.0
157939 Geoecology Yes 2.0
157940 Geographical aspects of coastal zone management Yes 2.0
157944 Geographical landscape analysis Yes 2.0
183794 Geography of Croatian Islands Yes 2.0
183544 Greco-Hellenistic Ceramics on the Eastern Adriatic Yes 4.0
157569 History of Cathechesis and Catechetics Yes 2.0
75811 History of Contemporary Italian Literature Yes 3.0
198583 Homeland History Yes 3.0
198333 Introduction to Modern Greek I Yes 3.0
158035 Iron Age Adriatic Yes 4.0
157564 Jesus of Nazareth by Benedict XVI: Yes 2.0
197937 Language Policy and Planning Yes 4.0
244940 Language standardization Yes 3.0
112449 Linguistic Geography Yes 5.0
170907 Literary Translation - Contemporary Theoretical Approaches Yes 3.0
251903 Magic and Ritual in Antiquity Yes 3.0
119469 Media Language Yes 3.0
239259 Medicine in Ancient Greece and Rome Yes 3.0
158049 Medieval Ceramics Yes 4.0
226522 Morphology Yes 5.0
252351 Myth, Ritual, Customs Yes 5.0
244950 Myth, Ritual, Customs Yes 3.0
158167 Narrative in Literature and Film Yes 4.0
183543 Neolithic and Eneolithic of the Eastern Adriatic Yes 4.0
170418 Orality in Writing Yes 3.0
252017 Paradigms of Violence in Contemporary American Novels Yes 4.0
157587 Pastoral Medicine Yes 2.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
82678 Philosophical Counselling Yes 3.0
183542 Prehistoric Technology: split and ironed stone Yes 4.0
144619 Psycholinguistics Yes 3.0
56234 Psychology of Human Sexuality I Yes 2.0
157561 Psychology of Religion Yes 2.0
226521 Research methods in linguistics Yes 5.0
182765 Semantics Yes 5.0
251907 Survey of Greek and Roman civilization Yes 3.0
159347 Sustainable Tourism Yes 5.0
238298 Terminology Yes 3.0
244948 The Generation of the "Krugovaši" in Croatian Literature Yes 3.0
157586 The Religious Education and Catechesis of Children and Preadolescents Yes 4.0
157941 Tourism and spatial resources in Croatia Yes 2.0
244941 Word Formation in the Croatian Language Standard Yes 3.0
238591 Word Formation in the Croatian Language Standard Yes 3.0
Elective group: Teacher competences - mandatory courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
119739 Basic Knowledge on Upbringing and Education Yes 5.0
57387 Didactics Yes 5.0
57388 Educational Psychology I Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
211780 Aikido No 2.0
198328 Extreme Sports - Skateboarding No 1.0
154128 Kendo I No 2.0
169364 Kinesiological culture 2 - Basketball No 1.0
182965 Kinesiological culture 2 - Vollejball No 1.0
158025 Kinesiology I (gym) No 1.0
182970 Sport Management in Tourism Yes 4.0
169363 Sports Management Yes 4.0
182967 Sports nutrition Yes 4.0
198327 Therapeutic Swimming No 1.0
Elective group: ---

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
260451 undefined Yes 5.0
260452 undefined Yes 5.0
260454 undefined Yes 5.0
260453 undefined Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of French and Francophone Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
183131 Methodology of research in glotodidactics Yes 2.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
131826 Introduction to the Croatian Onomastics Yes 5.0
Elective group: ---

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
248183 Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Special Needs Students Yes 4.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
159220 French Language VIII Yes 2.0
183134 Methodology of teaching French language Yes 3.0
183133 Second language acquisition Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Foreign Languages

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
238108 Business English B1.2 Yes 3.0
238109 Business English B1.4 Yes 3.0
238110 Business English B2.2 Yes 3.0
251979 Chinese language A2.2 Yes 3.0
238124 Contemporary Chinese A1.2 Yes 3.0
238122 Czech A1.2 Yes 3.0
251977 Czech A2.2 Yes 3.0
238106 English for academic purposes II Yes 2.0
238107 English for academic purposes IV Yes 2.0
254339 English for academic purposes VI Yes 2.0
238116 English for applied ecology in agriculture II Yes 2.0
251976 English for Information Technology II Yes 3.0
238120 English for Nursing II Yes 2.0
238121 English for Nursing IV Yes 2.0
238118 English for Psychology IV Yes 2.0
238119 English for Psychology VI Yes 2.0
238123 French A1.2 Yes 3.0
251978 French A2.2 Yes 3.0
267778 German A1.1 Yes 3.0
238125 German A1.2 Yes 3.0
238126 German A2.2 Yes 3.0
238127 German B1.2 Yes 3.0
247961 History of Rhetoric Yes 3.0
238130 Italian A1.2 Yes 3.0
251981 Italian A2.2 Yes 3.0
251983 Literary Workshop II Yes 3.0
251984 Rhetoric workshop II Yes 3.0
251982 Spanish A1.1 Yes 3.0
238129 Spanish A1.2 Yes 3.0
251980 Spanish A2.2 Yes 3.0
267780 Spanish B1.2 Yes 3.0
Elective group: Elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
254042 undefined Yes 5.0
198441 undefined Yes 2.0
251867 undefined Yes 6.0
252146 undefined Yes 5.0
252326 undefined Yes 3.0
244958 undefined Yes 3.0
212799 American Horror Genre Yes 4.0
170861 Amphorae and Sea trade in the Mediterranean Yes 4.0
212207 Ancient Heritage as the Origin of Urban Identity Yes 4.0
198525 Ancient Rome and Her Provinces Yes 5.0
227378 Angelology and Demonology Yes 2.0
170866 Antique Religion on Adriatic-Danube Territory Yes 4.0
158067 Architecture and Sculpture in the Early Medieval Period Yes 4.0
158054 Art and Symbolism in Paleolithic and Mezolithic Yes 4.0
183039 Basque language II Yes 3.0
172067 Books I.-III. of the Law Yes 3.0
198693 Choral Singing VIII Yes 2.0
183562 Classical Archaeology of the Eastern Adriatic II Yes 4.0
251905 Classical Mythology: Heroes Yes 3.0
226525 Communication in theory and practice Yes 5.0
75547 Contrastive Linguistics Yes 3.0
86052 Croatian Cultural History and Tourism Yes 5.0
244947 Croatian women writers of 20th and 21st century Yes 3.0
264328 Data mining Yes 6.0
198311 Demographic spatial resources Yes 2.0
183564 Early Christian Archaeology - Selected Chapters Yes 4.0
244960 Emotionology in literature studies Yes 3.0
252360 Emotionology in literature studies Yes 5.0
238436 Ethnographies of War and Post War Yes 4.0
182442 Etno Music Practicum 2 No 2.0
198692 Extracurricular Kinesiological Programs Yes 3.0
159760 French 20th Century Poetry Yes 2.0
157961 Geographical aspects of regionalisation and spatial planning Yes 2.0
157960 Geography of the Adriatic Yes 2.0
238578 History of ancient Egypt Yes 5.0
264329 Human information Behavior Yes 6.0
251906 Indo-European Classical Mythology Yes 3.0
264327 Information ethics Yes 6.0
90568 Information Literacy Yes 3.0
212209 Intimate Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans Yes 3.0
264326 Introduction to Cognitive science Yes 6.0
226484 Introduction to Croatian History Yes 5.0
198341 Introduction to Modern Greek II Yes 3.0
158058 Iron Age Costume on the Eastern Adriatic Yes 4.0
170645 Italian-Language Literature in Dalmatia Yes 3.0
263835 Joint Summer School in Information Science (JoSSIS) Yes 4.0
157962 Karst geography Yes 2.0
238704 Linguistic and Cultural Heritage in Tourism Yes 5.0
170948 Literary Translation - World Literature Yes 3.0
226563 Literary Translation Italian-Croatian Yes 3.0
212458 Machine-assisted translation Yes 3.0
170364 Marriage and Family Ministry Yes 2.0
94607 Media theories and methods Yes 5.0
75638 Metaphor - Philosophical Aspects Yes 5.0
158186 Modern American Independent Film Yes 4.0
158068 National Late Medieval Archaeology Yes 4.0
158066 Necropolises and Settlements in the Early Medieval Period Yes 4.0
183561 Neolithic Cults and Believes Yes 4.0
264323 Old books Description and Access systems Yes 6.0
219871 Peer Support for Students with Disabilities No 5.0
171088 Popular Fiction and Film Yes 4.0
244956 Posthumanism and the Novel Yes 3.0
158189 Pragmatics Yes 4.0
57426 Psychology of Human Sexuality II Yes 2.0
226523 Semantics Yes 5.0
158056 Social and Religious Symbols on the Adriatic Area in Bronze Age Yes 4.0
252448 Sociology and development Yes 5.0
198580 Specific Learning Disorders Yes 3.0
244957 Stylistics od lyrical text Yes 3.0
235156 Stylistics od lyrical text Yes 5.0
226524 Syntax Yes 5.0
212208 The Cuisine of Ancient Rome Yes 3.0
170368 The Religious Education and Catechesis of Adolescents and the Young Yes 4.0
144909 Translation Theories Yes 3.0
112286 Work and Family Roles: Theory and Research Yes 2.0
Elective group: Teacher competences - mandatory courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
57432 Art of Teaching Yes 5.0
57433 Educational Psychology II Yes 5.0
119740 Theory of Upbringing and Education in Practice Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Adriatic Onomastics Research

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
131828 The toponymy of the Eastern Adriatic Yes 3.0
Elective group: ---

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
260448 Basics of entrepreneurship Yes 5.0
260449 Financial literacy Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
198330 Chess Yes 2.0
225962 Golf tourism Yes 3.0
198446 Kendo I No 2.0
198329 Kinesiological culture 3 - Kayak Canoeing No 1.0
158117 Kinesiological culture 3 - Swimming No 1.0
158118 Kinesiological culture 4 (badminton) No 1.0
84558 Sports and Health Yes 5.0
198447 Sports management Yes 4.0
211781 Sports management in tourism Yes 4.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of French and Francophone Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
159760 French 20th Century Poetry Yes 2.0
Elective group: Teacher competences - elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
252994 Continuous Professional Development of Teachers Yes 3.0
163277 Cultural Management Yes 4.0
214629 Giftedness in Inclusive Education Yes 3.0
139874 Information Literacy Yes 3.0
248140 Research in Adult Education Yes 5.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
159221 Classroom Discourse Yes 3.0
183135 Demonstration and Practice I Yes 3.0
159753 French Language IX Yes 2.0
159755 Theater and film as a foreign language in French teaching Yes 3.0
Elective group: Teacher competences - elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
172602 undefined Yes 6.0
199281 Academic Practicum Yes 2.0
215225 Academic Writing Yes 3.0
151415 Academic Writing Yes 3.0
140071 Andragogy Yes 5.0
172609 Educational linguistics Yes 4.0
214622 Entrepreneurship in Educational Context Yes 3.0
151413 Information and Communication Technology and Learning Yes 3.0
239658 Instructional design and e-learning user experience Yes 4.0
172604 Literature Didactics Yes 3.0
163266 Sociology of education Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of French and Francophone Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
212448 French literature of Middle Ages and Renaissance Yes 2.0
252224 Lexicology and Lexicography in Teaching and Translation Practice Yes 2.0
Code Name Exam taken ECTS
183148 Demonstration and Practice II Yes 3.0
183147 Master`s thesis Yes 12.0
Elective group: Teacher competences - elective courses

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
252994 Continuous Professional Development of Teachers Yes 3.0
163277 Cultural Management Yes 4.0
214629 Giftedness in Inclusive Education Yes 3.0
139874 Information Literacy Yes 3.0
248140 Research in Adult Education Yes 5.0
Elective group: Elective courses - Department of French and Francophone Studies

Description: ---

Code Name Exam taken ECTS
226077 Theatre Workshop Yes 2.0

* Shown data depends on display parameters set by individual higher education institution.