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Sadržaj predmeta

Etika govorenja

Visoko učilište:
Filozofski fakultet
ECTS bodovi:
30(P) + 15(S)

prof. dr. sc. Mislava Bertoša


dr. sc. Ivana Simeon, v. pred. (P, S)

prof. dr. sc. Mislava Bertoša (P)

Obavezna literatura:

1. Ostin, Dž. L.(1994) Kako delovati rečima (Austin, J. L. (1962) How to Do Things with Words), Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 11-63.

2. Grice, H.P.(1975) "Logic and Conversation" in P. Cole & J. Morgan (eds), Syntax and Semantics, Vol. 3: Speesc Acts, New York: AP, 41-58.

3. Habermas, J. (2009), Diskursethik, Frankfurt aM: Suhrkamp, 31-116.

4. Holmes, R. I. (2007), Basic Moral Philosophy, Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth, 25-54, 55-147, 149-204.

5. Platon, Gorgija, Zagreb: Naprijed

6. Aristotel, Retorika, Zagreb: Naprijed, 1-77.

7. Kvintilijan, M. F. (1985), Obrazovanje govornika, Sarajevo: Veselin Masleša, 489-549.

8. Barthes, R. (), Retorika starih, Ljubljana: IHS.

9. Sv. Augustin (2011), Protiv laži, Zagreb: VBZ, 21-127.

10. Leech, G. (1983) "Principles of Pragmatics", London: Longman

11. Foucault, Michel (1997) "Ethics: Subjectivity and truth", New York:The New Press . 1997

12. Williams, Bernard (1985) "Ethics and the limits of philosophy", Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press

Preporučena literatura:

13. Platon (1975), Protagora & Sofist, Zagreb: Naprijed, 105-192.

14. Platon (1970) Ijon & Gozba & Fedar , Beograd: Kultura, 107-181.

15. Foucault, M. (1981), "The order of discourse", in Young, Robert (ed.), Untying the Text: A Poststructuralist Reader, London: RKP.

16. Foucault, M. (2001), Fearless Speech, Los Angeles: Semiotext(e), 11-24.

17. Habermas, J. (1984) "Što je univerzalna pragmatika?" (J. Habermas, "Was heisst Universalpragmatik?", in K-O. Apel (ed), Sprachpragmatik und Philosophie, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp), Naše teme, god. XXV III, br. 11, 2346-2356.

18. Habermas, Jürgen (1984) "The Theory of Communicative Action: Reason and the Rationalization of Society", Boston: Beacon Press

19. Dahlberg, Gunilla; Moss, Peter (2004) "Ethics and politics in early childhood education", New York: Routledge Falmer

20. Derrida, Jacques (1994) "Politiques de l'amitié", Paris: Galilée

21. Hampshire, Stuart (ed.) (1978) "Public and private morality", Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press

22. Phelan, James (1996) "Narrative as rhetoric: technique, audiences, ethics, ideology", Columbus: Ohio State University Press

23. Habermas, Jürgen (1983) "Moralbewussten und kommunikatives Handeln", Frankfurt: Suhrkamp

24. Leff, Gordon (1968) "Medieval Thought: St. Augustin to Ockham", Penguin Books


  • P - Predavanja
  • S - Seminar