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Sadržaj predmeta

Antropologija djetinjstva

Visoko učilište:
Filozofski fakultet
ECTS bodovi:
30(P) + 30(S)

doc. dr. sc. Jelena Marković


doc. dr. sc. Jelena Marković (P, S)

Opis predmeta:
1. OKVIRNI SADRŽAJ PREDMETA Kolegij bi studente uputio u povijest promjena koje su istraživanja djetinjstva prolazila od prvih antropoloških studija Franza Boasa, Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict i drugih prve polovice 20. stoljeća, preko suvremenijih studija kao što je ona Charlotte Hardman (1974) koja se vezuje za novi način promišljanja djece i djetinjstva u antropološkoj tradiciji, sve do recentnih antropoloških studija (npr. David Lancy, Robert LeVine), kao i suvremenih studija djetinjstva (Alison James, Adrian James, Alan Prout, Jens Qvortrup i dr.) koje su postdisciplinarno područje koje ujedinjuje znanja brojnih društvenih i humanističkih disciplina. Posebna pozornost posvetit će se i istraživanjima dječjeg folklora od kasnog devetnaestog stoljeća (Alexander Chamberlain, William Wells Newell, Alice Bertha Gomme) koja su bila obilježena evolucionističkim poimanjima o dječjem folkloru kao prežitku, talogu starijih kulturnih formi, do prevratničkih i utemeljiteljskih studija bračnog para Opie (najznačajnija je Lore and Language of Schoolchildren koja je objavljena 1959. godine) pa sve do suvremenijih i recentnih inozemnih i domaćih studija (Elly Bašić, Marijana Hameršak, Ivan Lozica, Jelena Marković, Ljiljana Marks, Tanja Perić-Polonijo, Zorica Vitez, Brian Sutton-Smith, Elizabeth Tucker i dr.) s naglaskom na društvene i političke promjene i njihove povezanosti s dječjim folklorom i sustavima obrazovanja. U kolegiju bi se studente s posebnom pozornošću uputilo na promišljanje koncepta djetinjstva u skladu sa suvremenim antropološkim teorijama i u skladu s time etički i metodološki osvijestilo za eventualna buduća istraživanja aspekata djetinjstva i istraživanja s djecom. 2. RAZVIJANJE OPĆIH I SPECIFIČNIH KOMPETENCIJA Cilj kolegija je uputiti studente u nabujalu produkciju posebno antropoloških istraživanja s djecom i aspekata djetinjstva posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća i njezine istraživačke rukavce koji svoje začinjavce imaju krajem devetnaestog i u prvoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća među antropolozima, folkloristima, ali i među istraživačima brojnih drugih disciplina koje se u posljednje vrijeme okupljaju i oko nove paradigme koja se naziva suvremenim studijama djetinjstva. Cilj je također upoznati studente s osnovnom terminologijom i konceptima antropologije djetinjstva te ih uputiti na korištenje raznovrsne literature i izvora za istraživanje te senzibilizirati i osvijestiti brojna metodološka i etička pitanja koja se javljaju u istraživanjima s djecom i istraživanjima aspekata djetinjstva. Cilj je i da se stečena znanja primjene u pripremi i vođenju diskusija, pisanju kritičkih reakcijskih tekstova, samostalnom istraživanju te pisanju i usmenom izlaganju rezultata istraživanja, vlastitih kritičkih promišljanja i dr. 3. OBLICI PROVOĐENJA NASTAVE U nastavu su uključena po sva sata predavanja i dva sata seminara na kojima se planira samostalno teorijsko ili terensko istraživanje te se na iznose preliminarni rezultati koji se potom uobličuju u pisani seminar. Predavanja i seminar čine jednu nastavnu cjelinu i ocjenjuju se zajedničkom ocjenom.
Obavezna literatura:

1. GRIDER, Sylvia Ann. 1995. ''Who are the Folklorists of Childhood?'' U Children's Folklore. A Source Book. Brian Sutton-Smith, Jay Mechling, Thomas W. Johnson, Felicia R. McMahon ur. New York, London: Garland Publishing INC., 11-17.

2. HAMERŠAK, Marijana. 2004. ''Dječji folklor između prežitka i prepreke''. Etnološka istraživanja 9:35-43.

3. HARDMAN, Charlotte. 2001./1973. ''Can there be an anthropology of children?'' Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research 8/4:501-517.

4. JAMES, Allison. 2007./2001. ''Ethnography in the Study of Children and Childhood''. Paul Atkinson, Amanda Coffey, Sara Delamont, John Lofland, Lyn Lofland, ur. Handbook of Ethnography. Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore: Sage Publications, 246-257.

5. JAMES, Allison. 2004. ''Understanding childhood from an interdisciplinary perspective''. U Rethinking childhood. Peter B. Pufall i Richard P. Unsworth, ur. New Brunswick, New Jersy i London: Rutgers University Press, 25-37.

6. JAMES, Allison. 2007. ''Giving voice to children's voices: Practices and problems, pitfalls and potentials''. American Anthropologist 109/2:261-272.

7. LeVINE, Robert. 2007. ''Ethnographic Studies of Childhood: A Historical Overview''. American Anthropologist. 109/2:247-260.

8. MEAD, Margaret. 2008./1928. i 1946. ''The Ethnography of Childhood''. U Anthropology and Child Development. A Cross-Cultural Reader. Robert A. LeVine i Rebecca S. New. Malden, Oxford, Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 22-27.

9. PROUT, Alan. 2005. The Future of Childhood. Towards the Interdisciplinary Study of Childhood. London i New York: Routledge Falmer. CD

10. SUTTON-SMITH, Brian. 1995. ''Introduction: What is Children's Folklore?'' U Children's Folklore. A Source Book. Brian Sutton-Smith, Jay Mechling, Thomas W. Johnson, Felicia R. McMahon ur. New York, London: Garland Publishing INC., 3-9.

Preporučena literatura:

11. BRKLJAČIĆ, Maja. 2006. ''Svinjska glava. Priča o djetinjstvu''. U Devijacije i promašaji. Etnografija domaćeg socijalizma. Lada Čale Feldman i Ines Prica ur. Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku.

12. BAŠIĆ, Elly. 1972. "Zadaci i perspektive u istraživanju dječjeg stvaralaštva". U Rad XVII kongresa Saveza udruženja folklorista Jugoslavije. Poreč 1970. Vinko Žganec, ur. Zagreb: SUFJ. Društvo folklorista Hrvatske, 411-418.

13. BAŠIĆ, Elly. 1983. "Susret s romskom djecom". U Zbornik 1. kongresa jugoslovanskih etnologov in folkloristov Rogaška Slatina 5.-9. 10. 1983. Janez Bogataj i Marko Terseglav, ur. Ljubljana: Slovensko etnološko društvo, 790-795.

14. BAŠIĆ, Elly. 1986. "Razlike u 'autentičnosti' dječjeg stvaralačkog izraza i promatračkog kuta odraslih". U Zbornik od XXXI kongres na Cojyzot na združenijata na folkloristite na Jugoslavija Radoviš 1984. Cvetanka Organdžieva, ur. Skopje: Udruženje folklorista Makedonije, 613-616.

15. CUNNINGHAM, Hugh. 1998. ''Histories of Childhood''. The American Historical Review 103/ 4:1195-1208.

16. GOODWIN, Marjorie Harness. 1985. ''The serious side of jump rope: conversational practices and social organization in the frame of play''. Journal of American Folklore 98/389:315-330.

17. GRIDER, Sylvia. 1999. "Children's telling of ghost stories". U Traditional Storytelling Today. An International Sourcebook. Margaret Read MacDonald, ur. Chicago i London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 539-543

18. HAMERŠAK, Marijana. 2009. ''Usmenost za djecu u hrvatskoj etnologiji i folkloristici''. Studia ethnologica Croatica 21/1:233-254

19. HOOD, Suzanne; KELLEY, Peter; MAYALL, Berry. 1996. ''Children as research subjects: A risky enterprise''. Children and Society 10/2:117-128.

20. LOZICA, Ivan. 1982. ''Tradicijski folklorni motivi u dječjim vicevima''. U Rad 27. kongresa SUFJ. Banja Vrućica - Teslić. Cvjetko Rihtman, ur. Sarajevo: UFBIH, 395-400

21. MAHON, Ann; GLENDINNING, Caroline; CLARKE, Karen; CRAIG, Gary. 1996. ''Researching children: methods and ethics''. Children and Society 10/2:145-154.

22. MARKOVIĆ, Jelena. 2008. ''Je li etično etički istraživati s djecom? Neka etička pitanja u istraživanju folklorističkih i kulturnoantropoloških aspekata djetinjstva''. Etnološka tribina. 32:147-165.

23. MARKOVIĆ, Jelena. 2009. ''Dječja usmenost i usmenost o djetinjstvu u hrvatskoj etnologiji i folkloristici''. Studia ethnologica Croatica 21/1:255-284.

24. MARKOVIĆ, Jelena. 2010. ''Pričanja o djetinjstvu i srodni koncepti: ''Velike'' i/ili ''male'' priče''. Narodna umjetnost. Hrvatski časopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku 47/2:51-76.

25. MARKS, Ljiljana. 1991. ''Dječji vicevi - mogućnosti klasifikacije i interpretacije''. Narodna umjetnost 28:213-225.

26. MEYER, Anneke. 2007. ''The moral rhetoric of childhood''. Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research 14/1:85-104.

27. MILLER, Peggy J.; POTTS, Randolph; FUNG, Heidi; HOOGSTRA, Lisa; MINTZ, Judy. 1990. ''Narrative practices and the social construction of self in childhood''. American Ethnologist 17/2:292-311.

28. MILLER, Peggy J. i SPERRY, Linda L. 1988. ''Early talk about past: The origins of conversational stories of personal experience''. Journal of Child Language 15/2:293-315.

29. MORAN, Joe. 2002. ''Childhood nostalgia in contemporary culture''. European Journal of Cultural Studies 5/2:155-173.

30. MORROW, Virginia i RICHARDS, Martin. 1996. ''The ethics of social research with children: An overview''. Children and Society 10:99-105.

31. OCHS, Elinor i TAYLOR, Carolyn. 1992a. ''Family narrative as political activity''. Discourse and Society 3/3:301-340.

32. PERIĆ-POLONIJO, Tanja. 1982. ''O nekim obilježjima dječjeg usmenoknjiževnog repertoara''. U Rad 27. kongresa SUFJ. Banja Vrućica - Teslić. Cvjetko Rihtman, ur. Sarajevo: UFBIH, 391-394

33. PROUT, Alan. 2000. ''Children's Participation: Control and Self-realization in British Late Modernity''. Children and Society 14: 304-315.

34. PUNCH, Samantha. 2002b. ''Research with children. The same or different from research with adults''? Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research 9/3:321-341.

35. RAJKOVIĆ, Zorica. 1978. ''Današnji dječji folklor - istraživanje u Zagrebu''. Narodna umjetnost 15:37-96.


37. ARCHARD, David. 2004/1993. Children. Rights and Childhood. London i New York: Routledge

39. BAXTER, Jane Eva. 2005. The Archaeology of Childhood Children, Gender, and Material Culture. Altamira Press

40. BOOKER, M. Keith. 2010. Disney, Pixar, and the hidden messages of children's films. Santa Barbara, Denver, Oxford: ABC CLIO

41. BOTTIGHEIMER, Ruth B. 2009. Fairy Tales. A New History. Albany, New York: State University of New York Press

42. BRODE, Douglas. 2004. From Walt to Woodstock. How Disney Created the Counterculture. Austin: University of Texas Press.

43. BRODE, Douglas. 2005. Multiculturalism and the Mouse. Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment. Austin: University of Texas Press

44. BUCKINGHAM, David, ur. 1998. Teaching Popular Culture: Beyond Radical Pedagogy. London i Bristol: UCL Press.

45. BUCKINGHAM, David. 2000. After the Death of Childhood. Growing Up in the Age of Electronic Media. Cambridge: Polity Press

46. BYRNE, Eleanor i Martin MCQUILLAN. 1999. Deconstructing Disney. London, Sterling, Virginia: Pluto Press.

47. CHEDGZOY, Kate; GREENHALGH, Susanne; SHAUGHNESSY, Robert ur. 2007. Shakespeare and Childhood. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press

48. CHRISTENSEN, Pia i O'BRIEN, Margaret ur. 2003. Children in the City. Home, Neighborhood and Community. London i New York: Routledge.

49. ČOVIĆ, Ante i DADONIĆ, Marija, ur. 2011. Bioetika i dijete. Zagreb: Pergamena. Hrvatsko društvo za preventivnu i socijalnu pedijatriju.

50. DALY, Mary ur. 2008. Roditeljstvo u suvremenoj Europi: pozitivan pristup. Zagreb: Council of Europe i Ministarstvo obitelji, branitelja i međugeneracijske solidarnost.

51. DANIEL, Carolyn. 2006. Voracious Children: Who Eats Whom in Children's Literature. London i New York: Routledge

52. DE BLOCK, Liesbeth i David BUCKINGHAM. 2007. Global Children, Global Media. Migration, Media and Childhood. New York: Palgrave Macmillan

53. DILLER, Lawrence H. 2006. The Last Normal Child: Essays on the Intersection of Kids, Culture, and Psychiatric Drugs. Praeger.

54. DUNDES, Alan, ur. 1989. Little Red Riding Hood. A Casebook. Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press.

55. DURAN, Mirjana. 2003. Tradicija spontane kulture djece i mladih. Spomenar i dnevnik. Jastrebarsko: Naklada slap.

56. EVRA, Judith Van. 2004. Television and child development. Third Edition. Mahwah, New Jersey, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

57. FASS, Paula S. ur. 2004. Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society. Volume 1 A-E; Volume 2 F-R; Volume 3 S-Z. Macmillan

58. FIONDA, Julia, ur. 2001. Legal Concepts of Childhood. Portland i Oxford: Hart Publishing.

59. GODDARD, Jim; MCNAMEE, Sally; JAMES, Adrian; JAMES, Allison ur. 2005. The Politics of Childhood. International Perspectives, Contemporary Developments. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

61. GOLDSTEIN, Jeffrey H., ur. 1994. Toys, play, and child development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

62. GOODWIN, Marjorie Harness. 2006. The Hidden Life of Girls: Games of Stance, Status, and Exclusion. Malden, Oxford, Carlton: Blackwell Publishing.

63. GUBRIUM, Jaber F.; HOLSTEIN, James A. 2006. Couples, Kids, and Family Life. New York i Oxford: Oxford University Press.

64. HAMERŠAK, Marijana. 2011. Pričalice: O povijesti djetinjstva i bajke. Zagreb: Algoritam.

65. HIGONNET, Anne. 1998. Pictures of Innocence. The History and Crisis of Ideal Childhood. London: Thames & Hudson.

66. HOLLAND, Patricia. 1992. What is a Child? Popular Images of Childhood. London: Virago Press

67. HÖRSCHELMANN, Kathrin i Rachel COLLS, ur. 2010. Contested Bodies of Childhood and Youth. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

68. HOYLE, Susan M. i CAROLYN Temple Adger, ur.1998. Kids Talk. Strategic Language Use in Later Childhood. New York i Oxford: Oxford University Press

69. JAMES, Allison i JAMES, Adrian L., ur. 2008. European Childhoods. Cultures, Politics and Childhoods in Europe. Basingstoke i New York: Palgrave Macmillan

70. JAMES, Allison i JAMES, Adrian. 2008. Key Concepts in Childhood Studies. London: Sage.

71. JAMES, Allison i PROUT, Alan, ur. 2004./1997. Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood. Contemporary Issues in the Sociological Study of Childhood. Second Edition. New York, London: Routledge/Falmer.

72. JAMES, Allison; JENKS, Chris; PROUT, Alan. 1998. Theorizing Childhood. Cambridge: Polity Press.

73. JENKS, Chris. 1996. Childhood. London: Routledge.

74. JENSEN, An-Magritt i MCKEE, Lorna, ur. 2003. Children and the changing family. Between transformation and negotiation. London i New York: Routledge Falmer.

75. KEHILY, Mary Jane ur. 2004. An Introduction to Childhood Studies. Maidenhead i New York: Open University Press.

76. KINCAID, James R. 1994./1992. Child-Loving. The Erotic Child and Victorian Culture. New York i London: Routledge.

77. KODISH, Eric. 2005. Ethics and Research With Children: A Case-Based Approach. Oxford i New York: Oxford University Press.

78. KOS LAJTMAN, Andrijana. 2011. Autobiografski diskurs djetinjstva. Zagreb: Ljevak.

79. LANCY, David F. 2008. The Anthropology of Childhood. Cherubs, Chattel, Changelings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

80. LAUWAERT, Maaike. 2009. The Place of Play. Toys and Digital Cultures. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

81. LEACH, Penelope. 2003. Prvo djeca. Što društvo ne čini, a trebalo bi činiti za današnju djecu. Zagreb: Algoritam.

82. LEE, Nick. 2001. Childhood and Society: Growing Up in an Age of Uncertainty. Buckingham: Open University Press.

83. LEIRA, Arnlaug; SARACENO, Chiara. 2008. Childhood: Changing Contexts. Emerald .

84. LEVINE, Robert A. i NEW, Rebecca S. 2008. Anthropology and Child Development. A Cross-Cultural Reader. Malden, Oxford, Carlton: Blackwell Publishing.

85. MARKOVIĆ, Jelena. 2012. Pričanja o djetinjstvu. Život priča u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji. Zagreb: Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku.

86. MATTHEWS, Gareth, B. i Susan M. TURNER, ur. 1998. The Philosopher's Child. Critical Perspectives in the Western Tradition. University of Rochester.

87. MAYALL, Berry ur. 1994a. Children's Childhoods. Observed and Experienced. London: Falmer Press.

88. MAYALL, Berry. 2002. Towards a Sociology of Childhood: Thinking for Children's Lives. Buckingham: Open University.

89. MAYBIN, Janet.2006. Children's Voices. Talk, Knowledge and Identity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

90. MESSENGER DAVIES, MaÂire. 2004. `Dear BBC': Children, Television Storytelling and the Public Sphere. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

91. MILLS, Jean i MILLS Richard ur. 2000. Childhood Studies. A Reader in Perspectives of Childhood. London i New York: Routledge.

92. MITCHELL, Claudia i REID-WALSH, Jacqueline. 2002. Researching Children's Popular Culture. The Cultural Spaces of Childhood. New York, London: Routledge.

93. MITCHELL, Linda E.2007. Family Life in the Middle Ages. London: Greenwood Press.

94. NAUGHTON, Glenda Mac. 2005. Doing Foucault in Early Childhood Studies Applying Poststructural Ideas. London i New York: Routledge

95. OLFMAN, SHARNA, ur. 2009. The Sexualization of Childhood. Westport, Connecticut, London: Greenwood Press.

96. PERICA, Ivana. 2013. POLITIČKO ? PEDAGOŠKO. Janusova lica pedagogije. Zagreb: Udruga Blaberon.

97. PUFALL, Peter B. i UNSWORTH, Richard P. 2004. Rethinking childhood. New Brunswick, New Jersey, London: Rutgers University Press.

98. QVORTRUP, Jens; BARDY, Marjatta; SGRITTA, Giovanni; WINTERSBERGER, Helmut ur. 1994. Childhood Matters. Social Theory, Practice and Politics. Aldershot, Brookfield, USA etc.: Avebury - European Centre Vienna.

99. QVORTRUP, Jens ur. 2005. Studies in Modern Childhood: Society, Agency, Culture. Hampshire i New York: Palgrave Macmillan

100. REČ. Časopis za kulturu i društvena pitanja. 2012

101. REYNOLDS, Kimberley. 2007. Radical Children's Literature. Future Visions and Aesthetic Transformations in Juvenile Fiction. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

102. SAMMOND, Nicholas. 2005. Babies in Tomorrotwland. Walt Disney and the Making of the American Child 1930-1960. Durham i London: Duke University Press.

103. SCHWARTZMAN, Helen B. ur. 2001. Children and Anthropology. Perspectives for the 21st Century. Bergin & Garvey, Westport, Connecticut.

104. SCRATON, Phil, ur. 1997. Childhood' in 'Crisis'? London, Bristol: UCL Press.

105. SEGALEN, MARTINE. 1996. Historical anthropology of the family. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

106. SPAJIĆ-VRKAŠ, Vedrana. 1996. Tučepi: odrastanje u tradicijskoj kulturi Hrvata. Zagreb: Naklada MD.

107. STEARNS, Peter N. 2005. Growing Up. The History of Childhood in a Global Context. Waco: Baylor University Press

108. STEARNS, Peter N. 2006. Childhood in World History. London i New York: Routledge.

109. SUTTON-SMITH, Brian. 2001./1997. The Ambiguity of Play. Cambridge i London: Harvard University Press.

110. SUTTON-SMITH, Brian; MECHLING, Jay; JOHNSON, Thomas W.; McMAHON, Felicia R. 1995. Children's Folklore. A Source Book. New York, London: Garland Publishing INC.

111. SUTTON-SMITH, Brian (Brajan Saton-Smit). 1989. Igračke i kultura. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva.

112. THOMAS, R. Murray. 2006. Religion in Schools. Controversies around the world. Westport , Connecticut, London: Praeger.

113. THORNE, Barrie. 1993. Gender Play: Girls and Boys in School. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

114. TOBIN, Joseph J.; WU, David Y.H.; DAVIDSON, Dana H. 1989. Preschool in Three Cultures: Japan, China and the United States. New Haven, London: Yale University Press.

115. TUCKER, Elizabeth. 2008. Children's Folklore. A Handbook. Westport, Connecticut i London: Greenwood Press.

116. TURMEL, André. 2008. A Historical Sociology of Childhood. Developmental thinking, categorization and graphic visualization. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press.

117. VILENICA, Ana, ur. 2013. Postajanje majkom u vreme neoliberalnog kapitalizma. Beograd: uz)bu))na)))

118. WYNESS, Michael G. 2000. Contesting Childhood. London i New York: Falmer Press.

119. WYNESS, Michael. 2006. Childhood and Society. An Introduction to the Sociology of Childhood. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

120. WOJCIK-ANDREWS, Ian. 2000. Children's Films: History, Ideology, Pedagogy, Theory. New York i London: Garland Publishing, Inc.

121. ŽANIĆ, Ivo. 2009. Kako bi trebali govoriti hrvatski magarci? O sociolingvistici animiranih filmova. Zagreb: Algoritam.

122. ZIPES, Jack, ur. 2002/2000. Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales. Oxford: University Press Oxford.

123. ZIPES, Jack. 2006. Why Fairy Tales Stick? The Evolution and Relevance of a Genre. New York i London: Routledge.

124. ZORNADO, Joseph L. 2001. Inventing the Child. Culture, Ideology, and Story of Childhood. New York i London: Garland Publishing.

Predmet u nastavnom programu:
Šifra studija Naziv studija Razina studija Semestar izvođenja Obavezni/Izborni
5050 Etnologija i kulturna antropologija diplomski 1 izborni
5050 Etnologija i kulturna antropologija diplomski 3 izborni

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  • S - Seminar