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Sadržaj predmeta

The Psychology of Child Well-being

Visoko učilište:
Učiteljski fakultet
ECTS bodovi:
30(P) + 30(S)

prof. dr. sc. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić


prof. dr. sc. Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić (P, S)

Opis predmeta:
The general objective of the course is to acquaint the students with the objectives and insights into the psychology of child well being and positive psychology as the youngest branch of psychology, aimed at strengthening and optimizing positive dimensions and strengths and potentials in individuals, as a fundamental way to develop resilience, socio and emotional competencies, and the overall psychological well being and mental health, both on an individual level and in work with children. Given that the basic prerequisite for strengthening child wellbeing is to strengthen the wellbeing of professionals working with children, teaching will be aimed at acquiring competencies in this area in relation to oneself, one s own growth and development, and in relation to the needs of working with children. The course aims to provide modern knowledge in the field of the Psychology of child wellbeing, which can provide a better quality of life, both for the students themselves and within the application of this knowledge in working with preschool children. Introduction to the psychology of child wellbeing Positive states and positive emotions, positive opinions, positive qualities, human strength Psychology of wellbeing, subjective wellbeing, adult wellbeing, child wellbeing, development perspective Contemporary perspectives and a multifactorial approach to the study of child wellbeing Positive motivation, positive relationships, and positive institutions, society, community Psychology of wellbeing in the educational context Risk and protective factors of psychological aspects of child wellbeing Psychological resilience, socio and emotional learning, and mental health Preventive programs for strengthening child and youth wellbeing Contemporary research and methodology of the psychology of child wellbeing
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Predmet u nastavnom programu:
Šifra studija Naziv studija Razina studija Semestar izvođenja Obavezni/Izborni
12 Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje diplomski 1 izborni