- English
Sadržaj predmeta
Multimedijska kartografija
- Šifra:
- 50393
- Kratica:
- 48IB04
- Visoko učilište:
- Geodetski fakultet
- ECTS bodovi:
- 6.0
- Opterećenje:
- 30(P) + 30(V)
- Nositelji:
doc. dr. sc. Ana Kuveždić Divjak
- Izvođači:
doc. dr. sc. Ana Kuveždić Divjak (P, V)
- Opis predmeta:
- (Predmet se od ak. god. 2011/12. izvodi na engleskom jeziku. ) The course is teached in English since academic year 2011/12. Course description: Real and virtual maps. Multimedia. Multimedia computer. Digitizing texts, images and sound. Devices for creating and presenting multimedia contents. Editing of multimedia contents. Interactive multimedia contents. Standards and protocols for the transfer of multimedia contents. Map visualisation in multimedia environment. Interactivity and dynamics of maps. Multimedia maps on CD and Internet. Microsoft Encarta. Web-atlases and web-maps. Multimedia cartography in GIS. Location based services. Multimedia mobile cartography. Learning outcomes: - to describe what multimedia is - to list the main developments of multimedia's history - to identify the characteristic features of a multimedia application - to explain what multimedia cartography is and describe its main concepts - to explain how lines, objects or images are drawn on raster displays - to be able to establish the relationship between geometric transformations and homogeneous coordinates - to be able to list the main characteristics of Bézier curves - to be able to distinguish the terms "Internet" and "WWW" - to be able to explain the functions of different protocols - to be able to distinguish between raster graphics and vector graphics format - to list the content of the four phases "issue analysis", "concept", "realization" and "evaluation and marketing" - to plan a web application chronologically with all its needed steps - to distinguish four data storage types and choose the right storage type for a specific project - to explain what XML is and what it is used for - to list the main properties of XML - to list the main cartographic representation rules for screen maps - to list at least five types of interactivity that can be implemented into a screen map - to name the representation rules that lead to quality topographic and thematic maps - to distinguish three navigation types for multimedia applications - to explain some possibilities of how to realize the three navigation types in both, web pages and interactive 2D maps - to explain what a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is and what it is good for - to design a Graphical User Interface for an interactive map - to explain the difference between animation and interactivity - to explain why animation and interactivity are implemented into multimedia maps - to explain how to best implement animation and interactivity in multimedia maps - to explain why OGC developed publicly available specifications - to explain why it is recommended to use OGC standards - to understand the content of a GetCapabilities file - to make a WFS or WMS request on a Web Map Server Teaching methods: - lectures - project oriented exercises on computers - consultations - intermediate exams - e-learning Methods of execution: - mixed type of teaching (e-learning at level 2) Evaluation: Attendance on lectures and exercises of at least 70% with creation and presentation of project tasks within exercises are conditions for filling out the obligations. Continuous evaluation at two preliminary exams. Each exam has 10 theoretical questions and each correct answer can give 1 point. Preliminary exams are executed over e-learning system. The preliminary exam grade is calculated according to table: Points Grade 1-4 insufficient (1) 5-6 sufficient (2) 7-8 good (3) 9 very good (4) 10 excellent (5) Written examination can be passed if student passes two preliminary exams. Written examination grade is average of two grades from preliminary exams. In case that student does not pass preliminary exams he/she can attend written exam on regular exam terms. The grade from preliminary exams is valid on first or second regular exam term. Oral examination is executed for all students on regular exam terms. If student passes written examination, the final grade is average of written and oral examination.
- Jezici izvođenja nastave:
- Obavezna literatura:
2. Croatian Cartographic Society http://www.kartografija.hr
4. CartouCHe (Cartography for Swiss Higher Education). http://www.e-cartouche.ch
- Preporučena literatura:
1. Cartwright, W., Peterson, M. P., Gartner, G. (urednici): Multimedia Cartography, Springer, Berlin 1999.
- Ishodi učenja:
1. Prepoznati i opisati značajke multimedijskoga kartografskog prikaza i tijek (faze) izrade multimedijskoga kartografskog prikaza.
2. Razumjeti animaciju, interaktivnost i navigaciju na multimedijskoj karti te na koji se način mogu implementirati na multimedijskim kartama.
3. Izraditi tekstualne, grafičke i druge oblike multimedijskog sadržaja za multimedijske karte.
4. Osmisliti i izraditi multimedijski kartografski prikaz poštujući kartografska načela i estetske norme za oblikovanje kartografskog prikaza.
5. Primijeniti suvremene informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije (ICT) za izradu i objavu multimedijskog kartografskog prikaza.
- Predmet u nastavnom programu:
Šifra studija Naziv studija Razina studija Semestar izvođenja Obavezni/Izborni 732 Geoinformatika diplomski 2 izborni * predmet se ne predaje u tom semestru
- P - Predavanja
- V - Vježbe