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Sadržaj predmeta

Programsko inženjerstvo u geomatici

Visoko učilište:
Geodetski fakultet
ECTS bodovi:
30(P) + 20(V) + 10(S)

prof. dr. sc. Damir Medak


prof. dr. sc. Damir Medak (P, S)

dr. sc. Dino Dobrinić (V)

Opis predmeta:
NAPOMENA: predmet se od ak. god. 2011/2012. predaje na engleskom jeziku - molimo pogledati inačicu na engleskom jeziku. Contents: Importance of specifications in production of geosoftware applications: efficiency and security. Specification and implementation. Abstract datatypes (ADT). Spatial data, storage and processing algorithms. Recursive definitions of spatial data. Object-oriented modeling: object, classes, inheritance. Seven-steps method. Comparison of object and relational models. Visual modeling in geomatics. Unified modeling language (UML): class diagrams, user cases. Open Geodata Interoperability Specification (OpenGIS). Open Geospatial Consortium. ISO TC 211 activities and standards. OGC procedure for spatial data standardization. Implementation of object-oriented concepts in programming languages. Applications of Java in geomatics: graphical user interfaces, platform independence, internet programming language, combination with mobile communications and satellite positioning. Learning outcomes: - recognize the importance of specifications in software development - distinguish UML diagrams and notation related to generalization and composition - compare the existing standards related to geoinformatics/geomatics - analyse the universe of discourse and extract entities, attributes and relationships - design a GIS-related application using the object-oriented approach Teaching methods: lecturing (15x 2 hours), exercises (10x 2 sata), seminars (5x 2 sata) Level of e-learning: 2 Requirements: - attendance of 70% lectures, - timely finished projects Evaluation: Continuous evaluation of student work. Following components are evaluated: Project (technical report): 20% Seminar (presentation): 20% Final written exam: 60% Final grade is calculated as a sum of percentages: Percentage Grade <60 insufficient (1) 61-70 sufficient (2) 71-80 good (3) 81-90 very good (4) 91-100 excellent (5)
Obavezna literatura:

1. Fowler, M., Scott, K. (2000): UML Distiled - Applying the Standard Object Modeling, Addison Wesley.

2. OGC (2011): OpenGIS Implementation Specification Documents.

Preporučena literatura:

3. Eckel, B. (2000): Thinking in Java, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall.

Ishodi učenja:

1. recognize the importance of specifications in software development

2. distinguish UML diagrams and notation related to generalization and composition

3. compare the existing standards related to geoinformatics/geomatics

4. analyse the universe of discourse and extract entities, attributes and relationships

5. design a GIS-related application using the object-oriented approach

Predmet u nastavnom programu:
Šifra studija Naziv studija Razina studija Semestar izvođenja Obavezni/Izborni
732 Geoinformatika diplomski 2 izborni


  • P - Predavanja
  • S - Seminar
  • V - Vježbe