- English
Sadržaj predmeta
Mobilna izmjera i GIS
- Šifra:
- 51221
- Kratica:
- 47IB05
- Visoko učilište:
- Geodetski fakultet
- ECTS bodovi:
- 6.0
- Opterećenje:
- 30(P) + 20(V) + 10(S)
- Nositelji:
prof. dr. sc. Damir Medak
- Izvođači:
prof. dr. sc. Damir Medak (P)
izv. prof. dr. sc. Mario Miler (P, V, S)
- Opis predmeta:
- NAPOMENA: predmet se od ak. god. 2011/2012. predaje na engleskom jeziku - molimo pogledati inačicu na engleskom jeziku. Mobile GIS is the expansion of geographic information system (GIS) from the office to the field. This course introduces students to the elements and capabilities of a functioning mobile GIS for solving spatial problems in indoor and outdoor environment. Students will acquire the needed technology insight how to position and locate objects in closed and indoor environments. This course will explore the basics of the simple data gathering techniques as well as alternative techniques that differ from GNSS. The goal of this course is to provide students with underlining concepts and practical skills in cutting edge mobile surveying and mobile GIS technologies. In this course we casually discuss topics such as global positioning systems (NAVSTAR GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, WAAS, EGNOS etc.) and indoor/local positioning systems (RFID, WiFi, UWB etc.) as recent techniques in positioning. Also we discuss topics such as data formats used in mobile GIS (LandXML, KML, SHP, DEM, XYZ, GPX, NMEA etc.) and how to work with them in GIS and mobile GIS environment. The concept of mass data collection from short-range mobile platforms with laser scanners and photographs is introduced as well as ontology of point clouds. Derivation of objects from point clouds. Threedimensional modeling. Fundamental knowledge in GIS and GPS is required. Learning outcomes: - explain basic GPS and advanced Mobile GIS concepts - differentiate technologies used in outdoor and indoor positioning systems - differentiate components and present basic problems of LBS and mobile applications - classify the platforms used for mobile laser data collecting - illustrate the principle of terrestrial laser scanning Teaching methods: lecturing (15x 2 hours), exercises (10x 2 sata), seminars (5x 2 sata) Level of e-learning: 2 Requirements: - attendance of 70% lectures, - timely finished projects Evaluation: Continuous evaluation of student work. Following components are evaluated: Project (technical report): 20% Seminar (presentation): 20% Final written exam: 60% Final grade is calculated as a sum of percentages: Percentage Grade <60 insufficient (1) 61-70 sufficient (2) 71-80 good (3) 81-90 very good (4) 91-100 excellent (5)
- Obavezna literatura:
1. Tao & Li (2007): Advances in Mobile Mapping Technology. Taylor & Francis Group, London.
2. Hoffmann-Wellenhof, B., Legat, K., Wieser, M. (2003): Navigation - principles of positioning and guidance. Springer, Wien, New York.
- Preporučena literatura:
3. Luhman/Mueller (2006): Photogrammetrie, Laserscanning, Optische 3D-Messtechnik. Wichman Verlag.
4. Greaves, T., Jenkins, B. (2008): SPAR 2008, Proceedings from the Conference on Existing Conditions Data Acquisition and Management, Houston, Texas.
5. Sahinoglu, Z., Gezici, S., Güvenc, I., 2009. Ultra-wideband Positioning Systems, Cambridge University Press
6. Karimi, H.A. & Hammad, A., 2004. Telegeoinformatics: Location-based computing and services, CRC Press
7. Shan, J., Toth, C. K., Topographic Laser Ranging and Scanning: Principles and Processing, CRC Press
- Ishodi učenja:
1. explain basic GPS and advanced Mobile GIS concepts
2. differentiate technologies used in outdoor and indoor positioning systems
3. differentiate components and present basic problems of LBS and mobile applications
4. classify the platforms used for mobile laser data collecting
5. illustrate the principle of terrestrial laser scanning
- Predmet u nastavnom programu:
Šifra studija Naziv studija Razina studija Semestar izvođenja Obavezni/Izborni 732 Geoinformatika diplomski 1 izborni * predmet se ne predaje u tom semestru
- P - Predavanja
- S - Seminar
- V - Vježbe